Wednesday, December 29, 2010

did ya miss me?

sorry i have been neglecting you but im here now (: im just here to share with you some new year resolutions of mine! so here we go..:
  • lose at least 30 pounds. and im actually hoping to do this by the end of july but if that doesnt work then at least by the end of the year. and im gonna stick to it! no more eating taco bell and drinking soda and whatnot. its bad! im also gonna try to do some yoga that i learned in gym class! which brings me to my next thing...
  • participate in gym class every time i have it unless im like really not feeling good or have a good excuse. gym is good for you and even fun if you actually do something! also with the teacher i have right now its impossible to pass unless you do participate! whichhhh brings me to my next thingg...
  • do my homework on a regular basis! this is one thing that i have like never done and it kills my grades! i could have had an A+ in math this marking period but i got a C because i didnt do any homework. i like As not Cs! so doing homework would be a really good thing for me to do. especially sense im in my junior year and colleges look at these gradess.
nothing really leeds up to my next one but here it isss:
  • be happier and friendlier! i know you're probably thinking how the hell is that possible? but i think it is! like i wanna be the type of person that smiles at strangers and gives out random compliments and makes peoples days! i noticed recently that i love making people happy! so i wanna do thatt (:
so those are a few things that i want to do this year! im confident that 2011 will be a great year as was 2010. im ready for the switch whenever you are (:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

woah really?

ready for some dramaaa? i havent had any in a while so this is differentt. sooo zoe is turning into the type of person i dont really wanna be around. smoking weed, cheating on her boyfriend etc. soo i was trying to find a way to talk to her about all of this. it didnt really work and my feelings sort of just came out in a sentence that wasnt very nice. heres the story:
aaron was going to come over to my house so we could hang out and she was all "woahh whys aaron going to your house?!" sooo i said "well i can actually hang out with a guy without making out with him unlike you." anddd she got kinda madd. also on the bus one day i said something about her being a bad girlfriend when she wasnt on the bus. sooo yeah we're in a fight right now.
i texted her the other day while we were right next to each other because we werent talking and she said she was mad because i "called her a whore and said she was cheating." and i never called her a whore although i was thinking it and i did say she cheated... buttttt she did! so anywho we had this long argument through texting and stuff and i thought nothing of it. i thought okay i was wrong to say that and i did apologize either we'll get over it or we just wont be friends and that might be okay because of how shes acting. so we just havent talked in the past 2 days. i didnt talk about her unless i was just explaining why we werent talking and id say "i said something not very nice and she got mad so we argued and now we arent talking" i said nothing else to make it seem like shes a bad person or anything. i thought she was doing the same. being mature about it. evidently i was wrong. i looked at her facebook today and found a status of her saying "'yeah so just kill so-and-so, have a party and just be 15. dont care about anything.' - the wise and fabulous amanda <3 ;)" sooo im assuming the "so-and-so" is me. andd this is one quote that amanda said that makes me think less of her as a person. umm hello just because you're 15 means you can do whatever the hell you want and not care about anything? okay you go ahead and do that, and i'll do it my way. we'll see who ends up in a better place. i have a feeling it wont be the one who doesnt care about anything. anywho i also saw one of zoes friends statuses and it said "Hi Zoe ..iKno Yu See This Status Lol'zz .. She Gon Get Her Ass Beat F*qkin Wit My White Girl >: ) No Jokes" sooo that was also about mee. and seeing these girls talk about me just makes me wanna go like slap them all in the face. but they arent worth my time. i know what im doing with my life. i know where i am and where i want to be and how im going to get there. i care about what im doing to myself and how im making people see me. if you dont like me, its not because i did something, its just because you dont like me. i dont give people reasons to not like me. im a friendly person, clean of drugs and alcohol. im always happy and i can laugh at myself. i know when to joke and when to be serious and im an all around good person. i have my flaws but im not a bad person. i make good choices. you guys can keep on not caring and doing whatever you want and smoking and cheating and having sex with multiple people. go ahead. if thats who you are well, good luck. you're gonna need it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

my best friends a zombie.

so todayy me and caty stayed home from school and guess what we did?! we made a movieee! its called "my best friends a zombie" and its cooler than anything you've ever seen. wanna know why? cause its starring me! and caty. and i played the zombie best friend (: haha yeah we're awesome, i know.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

fuck my fucking life.

so i found out today that some pathetic fucker came into my house and stole my brothers book bag, which contained his permit, his xbox, which he loved sooo much, and his fucking house key! so now this fucker can come into my fucking house whenever the fuck they feel like it. so now we're out money to change the locks so this fucker cant come into our home, but when are we gonna have time for this? not at all this week >.< im gonna be like paranoid now because they could come in when im home and what if they hurt me? or my mom or brother? like this shits fucking scary. like im pissed about the possessions but our lives are more important. ughhh i dont want to be home alone until we get our locks changedd. tomorrow im going to brittanys house after school. so im good  and thursday and friday i work after school. so i dont have too much alone time to worry about. i hope everything works out :/


Thursday, September 16, 2010

just a thoughtt.

ughh so i went from having one little crush to a bazillion little crushes. im not naming anyone just yet but theres a good 4 guys that i cant stop thinking about. and one of them is being weird and saying im cute and stuff... buttt he has a girlfriendd. so im just like ughhh. whateverrr. guys are confusing as hell. :/


things i love thursdayy (:

so im in like the best mood ever right noww (: and idk why. i just amm! so heres my list!
  • coffee (: 
  • having a sleepover and doing homework!
  • having unlimited text messages again! (:
  • smart guys. theres always that one. last year in my chemistry class there was this one kid, robert, and he was like megaaa smart. and this year in my APUSH class theres this kid, shaden, or something and hes maddd smart.
  • being silly with friends. today in lunch me and anna were like being complete retards.
  • not being shy. this year im wayy more outgoing than any other year. even with people i dont know. its greatt!
sooo i guess thats alll. (:


Thursday, September 9, 2010

dana has a new celebrity crush.

he isnt all that famous but he was in one tree hill as quinton feilds. in the show he died and i cried. obviously he was no longer on the show. but last night i was watching a new show called hellcats and one of the main characters looked so familiar to me but i couldnt put my finger on it. so i searched it. and it was him! his real name is robbie jones. he is soooooo gorgeous and i wish i knew him. heres a picture of him:
isnt he beautiful? so i sorta love him. and i sorta just realized that i want a black guy. like when i have a boyfriend or get married or anything i want a black guy. not to be racist or anything but i just like them. but they need to fit some qualifications. they cant be ghetto. i want them to speak proper english and dress nicely. and their personality has to be good. idk what it is about them but i am sooo attracted to black guys. especially robbie jones (:


p.s. i know that i already liked black guys and everything but i always said that i really wanted a white guy. a white guy would be nice and all... but my first choice would be black.

things i love thursdayy (:

  • the feeling of fall. im done with the hot weather. i like coolness and leaves on the ground and all that good stuff. makes me happy (:
  • hugging a tall person. specifically, layne. i've hugged him before but it was always around the waist. today i hugged him around his neck and it was difficult because hes soo damn tall! hahah.
  • being less shy and way more confident than ever! i talk a lot more this year than normal and i dont mean like normal talking i mean like in front of people. its awesomee.
  • having moneyy. it makes me happy knowing i can spend money and ill still have some left. and even if i spend it all, ill get more in a week.
  • nina and music. they are like half of my life. i love them (:
soo im pretty happy soo far this week. its been a good week. im actually not looking forward to the weekend... shocker! i enjoy school. i like most of my classes this year. the only thing that bugs me is i still dont have a 9th period class. >.< so i have to sit in the gym for 45 minutes doing nothing. but other than life life is good in the life of dana. so thats all for now (:


Saturday, September 4, 2010

itSz Crazi

i would agree with this statement... if i could read it:
"LmfaOo Yuhh BtChsz think SinCee Yall qhOt AShirt Orr HOody FrOm hOllister Yall FLY..Sn itSz Crazi hOw APiece Of ClOthesss Cann Chanqee Yuhhh"
-_- i hate when people type like this. but i agree with this anyways. and i know i shop at american eagle and stuff but i dont do that to be cool. i just like some of the things they have there.
so thats all (:


btw that was a girls status on facebook.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

just a little ranting

"she also said if she ever saw you she would beat you up" a text from zoe talking about her friend amanda. after reading this would you like to know what went through my head. this: "whatthefuck?!" sooo i dont get it. if you dont like someone, dont like them. you dont have to be all "i hate that bitch blah blah im gonna fuck them up blah blah they ugly and stupid blah blah." like thats not necessary at all!
and for some reason the only people that actually dont like me but have to say stuff like that are zoes friends. they are the only ones that dont like me but continue to talk shit. like i can understand saying something every now and then but not every time they are brought up in a subject. if my friends talk about someone i dont like i just listen to the point of the story and then its done.
i just dont understand why people have to be like that. is it just because they're immature? and the funny thing is, EVERYTHING THEY SAY IS OVER FACEBOOK. like you dont have the balls to actually look me in the eyes and say this stuff. sooooo seriously grow up.


is it september already?

it is! and that is not a bad thing! septembers are awesomee. wanna know what you can do in september? well you can start school! which i am doing tomorrow (: im gonna be a juniorr! or you could go apple picking! or at least i think you can do that in september. i think my mommy is going around the 25th. and you can buy fall clothing. the season is changing and your clothes will too! soo there are a bunch of fun things coming our way this september. i cant wait (:


Friday, August 27, 2010

whos in a good mood? that'd be me(:

so im feeling quite great right now! as you know i am soo ready and excited to go back to school! im gonna be a junior! hell yeahh! and now im much more excited to go back because one of my best friends just came home from france and i've missed her soo much! sooo im babysitting in eight hours and im still awake! whyy? cause im just in the best mood right noww. soooo yeahh ill have a busy day tomorrow with like no sleep (:
have a lovely day (:


Thursday, August 26, 2010

things going on thursdayy.

alright so i lied about the things i love thursday. instead im gonna do a things going on thursday. just a bunch of things going on in my life and my mind at the moment.

  • school starts in a week exactly! im really excited about it. but i've been having these dreams about going back and something always goes wrong. its making me less excitedd.
  • zoes coming home on saturdayy! she's been in france since july 6th. i miss her and i cant wait to see her... but im nervous because im not sure if shes mad at me. she hasnt talked to me at all since shes left but she has talked to other people through facebook and stuff. and before she left she wouldnt talk to me for a few days because i didnt go to her going away party. >.<
  • im at my daddys house right now. have been here since tuesday and im going home tomorrow. its fun. me and kelly get along great and we play super mario bros all night long :]
  • i still like the same boy i did before. i think it might be waring off thoughh... well until i see him again. then ill fall right back into it. its bad because i know he doesnt like me, but i cant get myself to believe it long enough for me not to like him. blahhhh.
  • theres this other guy thats started talking to me. hes pretty cool to talk to but i dont like him like that. but he seems pretty interested. buttt he's twenty! im sixteeeen. i know thats not like thattt big of a difference, but it is. so sorry but no thankss.
so i guess thats about it for nowww. not much going on todayy. super mario bros? walk the dog? yeah nothing speciallll. soooo have a lovely week of summer. thats all thats leftt.

im backk (:

sorry i havent posted in like foreverr. i've been grounded. i would tell that story, but thats old news to me now. sooo on to new stuff! holy biscuits its thursday! ill post a things i love thursdayy :] okay im gonna do that noww!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


 chocolate chip

w a f f l e s ?
guess ill have to try both (:  

Thursday, August 5, 2010

things i love thursdayy.

  • having a new phone with a keyboard and a camera.
  • playing the question game with caty. ahhah we're so creative with it.
  • walking to the bank and cashing checks by myself without a grownup!
  • getting good grades on my geometry regents practice tests. i know ill pass the actual test!
  • tuesday nightt. it was kinda amazingg. 
  • having a semi clean bedroom. i like it much more than a messy one.
  • ice creammm :] who doesnt love that?
  • looking at clothes in family dollar and actually liking some of them.
  • ninaaaa. musicccc. ya knowww the usual.
  • having an awesome summer. its not super amazing blow your mind cool. but its pretty great.

now theres one more thing i want to let you know before i go...

i gotta peeee! 

 -dana :]

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

great minds think alike?

"Worst feeling in the world: Can’t get someone off your mind, when you don’t even cross theirs."

well its funny you should say that because im kinda feeling the exact same way. funny thing is i feel that about youu. you feel it about... someone else. i can think of a person it could be but im not sure. either way its not me. soooo this kinda sucks :/


Monday, August 2, 2010


that kinda bugs me. a lot. wanna stop? itd be greatly appreciated. thanks.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

things i love thursday!

  • not having anything to do today! (this is a good thing because i've been really busy a lot lately. i like having some me time.)
  • mels birthdayy! shes 18! holy biscuits shes old!
  • the fact that i almost spelled biscuits right for the first time! (i had to look up how it was spelled and i was only 1 letter off!)
  • workk. es muy divertido. even though i had to ask a million questions while working the cash register, it was megaa fun!
  • erics birthday cake. its yummmmy. 
  • getting paiddd. i got my first pay check last nightt :] only $26 but that was for orientation only.
  • ninaaaa :] duhh.
  • being told i have pretty eyes 4 times in the past few days by two 20 year old boys, a 17 year old boy, and some random lady that i had as a customer yesterday :]
  • wearing make up! i like itt :] dont get me wrong, we are all beautiful without make up too! but i like wearing make up. at least just a little.
  • being friends with chandler. i know this is kinda random, but i love being friends with him! we arent jealous of each others relationships even though i dont have one atm. and we arent awkward around each other! its greatt :] exs can be friends.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

being the bigger person

is hard sometimes, but it shows maturity. im gonna ramble about how i had to be the bigger person just a few minutes ago on here because i dont wanna do it where everyone is gonna see and think im immature. nobody looks at my blog but me and a few close friends so i dont mind them seeing haha.
sooo... me and my friend dylan were play arguing over who was nicer, me or him. he posted his facebook status as "like this if you know im nicer than dana smith" some people liked it but everyone was just playing around like us. then dylan said "im gonna win but i still love you dana." and one of zoes friend andral comments randomly on the status saying "we dont love her. dont get her hopes up." so i said "was that necessary?" and she said "i felt it was necessary to let you know i dont like you." and another girl jazmine commented saying "dang andral i was gonna say something similar but you said it better" so then i said "um i know you dont like me and the feeling is mutual. and it wasnt necessary over a facebook status that was for fun." and the jazmine girl says "so your mad now? and i care because?" and andral says exactly "haha thiz type ov shit makes mhe laff....i felt iht was necessary so i dnt give a fucq wat u say anywaiizz since ihtz known tht we don't like each other i waz just nice enough to do it on facebook opposed to me doing iht in person and watching tht stupid look appear on ur fucqing face :)" (both the girls typed like that btw) and i soo badly wanted to go off on her saying shit but i decided that it wouldnt make me any better than her so i just commented saying "someones mature" and i left it at that. i will not be responding to it either unless something else is said that is like mega over the edge. 
soooo sorry about my ranting but it pissed me off and i had to get it out some how. other than that i am having a lovely day with my bestie caty. we will be going to play soccer in a few with jess and her family and their friends and stuff. 


Monday, July 26, 2010

happy birthday to youu.

so today is my brothers nineteenth birthday! im not a big fan of his but he is my brother so i've decided to at least say happy birthday to him on here. sooo, happy birthday eric!

now anywho... haha today is also my half birthday! (erics birthday is my half birthday and my birthday is erics half birthday. exactly 2 years and 6 months apart). im the lame 1 in a million person who actually counts that. well i dont consider it like a big thing or anything but whenever its july 26 i tell people its my half birthday. so im exactly 16 and a half todayy! only 6 more months of being sixteen. :]

when is your half birthdayy?


Saturday, July 24, 2010

just a little late

sooo i totally never put up any pictures from summer jam and thats because theres only like one >.< but umm... ill put it up now!
sooo there is lauren and her boyfriend kirk (the two in the back with sun glasses) meee (with my tongue out) laurens friend sarah and her boyfriend (i dont remember his name but shes the adorable girl with the boy behind her) then laurens asian friend nicole (the one with the sun glasses in the front that looks asian haha) and then another of her friends named sarah. and that was our little summer jam group. :]


its just a little complicated

i dont understand why you cant be happy for me. i know you dont like him, but i do.

Friday, July 23, 2010

hope is a wonderful thing

and that is why i never lose it. remember that boy i was just talking aboutt? the one that i really like that i was losing hope for but i still had that little bit? well its a good thing i had that hope because guess whatt? he likes meeee! i havent actually gotten him to say it yet but its quite obvious. i asked him if he did and he was avoiding the question. i kept harassing him about it so he finally said maybe. now, if he didnt like me, hed just say it! but he kept saying maybe and stuff. sooo im working on getting him to admit it. but im pretty darn sure he does.
obviously things dont always turn out the way you wanted, but dont lose hope because something else could happen that you wouldnt expect. lifes is full of surprises and you just gotta wait for the right ones.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

things i love thursday.

  • seeing my besties all the time! 
  • having a job. and a name tag!! hahah 
  • knowing that im no longer gonna be poor. i can spend a little more money and not be worried about not having any left.
  • playing soccer with friends every tuesday nightt. its a new thing but its mega fun.
  • geometry class. i still enjoy it. i need to study though to make sure i pass the testt. note to self: make flash cards.
  •  having long pretty nails. i was afraid having no nail polish would make them ugly but i think they look great!
  • washing my hands while singing the happy birthday song twice! its how i gotta do it for taco bell so im getting into the habit! 
  • nina and music. the two i always love. i decided to put them together this time.
  • hoping. its what i do best. i'll never give it up :]
  • having amazing days. i've had just an awesome week overall but there are some days where im just like "wow that was the best!" today being one of those days :]
soooo thats all for this weeeek :] i hope you are all enjoying yourselves and having a wonderful week as well!


    Wednesday, July 21, 2010

    every time i get that little bit of hope, something changes it.

    so as you all know, i like a boy. and this isnt one of those times where im like i think i like him but im not sure. or where i like him and someone else. no this isnt like that. i like him and i like him a lot and hes the only boy i like at the moment. wow i said like a lot in those few sentances... anywhoo... so yeah i like him.
    we text all the time and its not even like i text him first all the time. he texts me first sometimes too! i know thats not much important but it shows he was thinking about me even for just a second to think of texting me. also i've seen him more than usual recently. i've seen him at least 4 times in the past week. and its not like we see each other for a second and go back to our lives. he was at my house, downstairs flirting with me while everyone else was upstairs. and we played soccer together with some friends and we went back to our friends house and were flirting. also he said he is gonna take me to see despicable me sometime. sooo ya know what my crazy mind thought up?? i thought that he might like me too. i had that little hope. stupid me huh? because on his blog it says that he thinks some girl is amazingly pretty and that her personality is bomb. im not that girl.
    soooo im back to where i was, secretly crushing on this boy. maybe someday things will be different.


    Friday, July 16, 2010

    things i love friday damn it!

    hahah so i alwaysss miss thursay sooo im not even gonna call this one things i love thursday. its things i love friday! yeahh! so ha! anywhooo hahah heres my list :]
    • being single. it was mutual and we're both happy with the outcome. we're actually only "taking a break" until school starts back up. we're gonna try again. but only once more. if it doesnt work again we're done. we're not me and chandler haha.
    • spending all my time with the people i love. this being caty, jess, and uhh... others. haha. i see caty like everyday and i see jess often now too because im with caty so much haha.
    • going to seabreeze! it was fun. and yesterday haha. it was me, my daddy, eric, tiffany, lisa, and kelly. i got the tiniest sun burn. barely noticeable.
    • my geometry summer school class. its such a dorky thing to say but i love it! it makes me have a reason to be awake early and not waste my day! and im with my bestie. and im doing math! what could be more fun?! hahah.
    • working at taco bell. technically i havent worked there yet. i went in for my orientation on wednesday and the manager, tony, wasnt there! so i was there for 45 minutes waiting for my ride haha. but i got to meet some cool people that work there. i think ill have fun.
    • taking buses! its totally new for me but im getting used to it. i know a lot more than i did last year. i almost took one by myself today!
    sooo i hope you are all having a fabulous summer so far and i hope it all continues to be great! :]


    Monday, July 12, 2010

    a confession.

    sometimes i am perfectly fine with my body, but most of the time im not. i mean i know im not fat... but im not skinny. sometimes i think i look realllly good. but mostly just because my face. i think i have a really pretty face. okay lets go back a few years...
    coming into wilson, 7th grade, not much boys liked me. i had a total of one real boyfriend previous to that. boys didnt say i was pretty or hot or anything. i know of 2 boys that liked me while i was in the 7th grade. then 8th grade. not much of an improvement. again with the whole like 2 guys liking me thing. that was the end of that.
    9th grade. high school (even though technically i was still in the middle school). im not sure if i changed or if guys changed but a lot more guys liked me. i had at least 3 boyfriends and i was called cute a lot. then 10th grade, this past year, same thing. i had at least 3 boyfriends. i got called cute, pretty, hot, sexy. this never really happened to me before this year. it made me feel really good and hearing this stuff boosts my confidence a lot.
    i was talking to jess one time and she said that she gets jealous sometimes because people tell me im pretty a lot and even though she knows shes pretty people just dont tell her like they tell me. this got me thinking. when people tell me im pretty, i enjoy it, a lot. but i dont show it and brag about it. because i realize that it could hurt other peoples feelings. it might make them not feel good about themselves.
    example: the other day me and caty went to javas and met up with 3 of her friends. i did think a couple of them were cute but i wasnt gonna say anything to caty cuz i didnt wanna seem like a creeper or anything. after i left caty told me that 2 of them said i was hot and wanted to add me on facebook. it made me feel really good about myself to know that 2 really cute guys think im hot. but i didnt want to keep talking to caty about it just in case it made her feel bad or anything.
    so the confession i was originally trying to say is that hearing nice things from guys makes me feel really good about myself, but i hold it in to make sure i dont make others feel less good.

    Friday, July 9, 2010

    amazing day!

    started off going to school with caty. and i was going to get my bus pass when i ran into my math teacher from this previous year! then we went to class and it was easy and stuffs. then me and caty came home and i made us some ham&egg&cheese sandwiches. then i called taco bell and guess what? I GOT THE JOB! woooo! oh yesss! sooo i have orientation some time next week. anywhoo... then we took a bus to javas where we waited for her friends. we eventually were there with sterling, joey, and shamell. we played pool and i pretty much sucked... but then out of nowhere i got 2 balls in! :] yayyy. and it was raining a lott but my mom came to pick me up and i had to go out in the rain to get in the car and i got really wet after like 5 seconds in the rain. and now i am home. so today was pretty fun for me. i hope you are all having lovely days :]


    Thursday, July 8, 2010

    little letters.

    dear boyfriend,
    we're having problems... well... i am at least. we've been dating for over 2 months now and our relationship has barely gone anywhere. i want us to act more like a couple. sooo im gonna talk to you about this because if i just break up with you, nothing good will come from that. but if we dont change soon... this might be over.

    dear other boy,
    i like you. i know its bad to like you while i have a boyfriend but i cant help it. and im pretty darn sure you dont like me... but i still have that little hope that i always had. i think i might always like you... but i just like you more when i actually talk to you a lot like i do now.

    dear other other boy,
    you were right. i didnt know it at the time, but you were. i wont ever admit it because id feel like a complete idiot but its true. and it bugs me how much of a jerk you can be sometimes. i probably wont talk to you for a while though. it would just be too weird.

    dear tony from taco bell,
    please hire me. i had an interview with you yesterday and i think it was decent. im not sure exactly what you were looking for or how interviews usually go because this was my first but im just hoping you like me enough to give me the job. i would be a great employee.

    dear summer school,
    you're not that bad. i actually kinda like you which is such a lame thing to say. im not alone this year like i was last because i have caty. also even though i havent taken geometry yet... im one of the smartest kids in the class, its amazing! im soo gonna pass the test.


    things i love thursday!

    • having bestie time almost everyday! :]
    • summer school. its easy and i enjoy math >.< gosh im such a nerd.
    • warm weather. its really nice. even though its been reallllly hot the past 3 days.
    • panera bread. me and my mommy went there for dindin tonight. it was yummy :]
    • music as always. my current favorite song is billionaire by travie mccoy and bruno mars.
    • having long hair. it makes me happy! and its almost as long as i want it, right below my boobs! :]
    • alan not being here anymore. that sounds mean but i just never liked him so its good with him gone.
    • being a nerd with caty. "what are you doing?" "setting up an equation." hahah and "i wish we had some homework."
    • being tan. thats one of the great things about summer. i get really tan :]
    • ninaaa! i love her to death! shes my favoritest cat everr!

    soooo thats it for this week. its kinda weird because youd think i wouldnt like summer school... but i've enjoyed the past 3 days much more than most of the summer so far. haha :]


    Tuesday, July 6, 2010

    six week plan.

    so me and caty have a six week plan that started today! it consists of:
    • summer school. geometry. im not sure about caty but im behind in math because my schedule was messed up and i've taken algebra for 3 years in a row so im taking this class to get where im supposed to be. the awesome part about us going to summer school is that we are in the same class! so we wont ever be lonely. :]
    • working out. well kinda. in the seventeen magazine there is a little 6 week thing with different exercises and whatnot. it tells us what to do and how often to do it. we will be doing it when we have time, about 3 times a week. today we did some sort of yoga.
    • running and/or walking. caty will be running with jess in the mornings before coming to my house to go to school and i will be on the treadmill probably after school before i take a shower.
    • eating better. i told my mom to get some fruit and stuff! fruit is not only healthy but very yummy. im going to also try to eat whole weat bread instead of white even though i cant stand it.
    so that is me and catys six week plan! think we can do it? ill update about once a week letting you know how its going for us.


    Sunday, July 4, 2010

    happy 4th of july!

    so today is independence day! yayyyy. so i slept over at catys house last night and today we got ourselves pretty and we are going to spirit of america with jess later. we're gonna have soo much fun and then im gonna sleep over againn! sooo yayy! and then catys gonna sleep over at my house and we start summer school on tuesdayy.
    sooooo happy 4th of july everyoneee :]


    Wednesday, June 30, 2010

    goodbye june!

    dear june,
    you have been a fun month. i got to spend time with a bunch of my friends this month. i ended school this month. i even had my 2 month anniversary this month. so many things have happened this june and all of them were great! i will never again see a day in june in 2010. but i cant wait for june 2011. im sure it'll be just as fantabulous!


    p.s. i start summer school this coming tuesday for geometry and hopefully caty will be in my class! having her there will at least make it less scary than it was last year when i didnt know a single person. so wish us luckk! :]

    Monday, June 28, 2010

    2 months and more

    today is the 2 month anniversary of me and aaron! and he actually knew it unlike last month when he didnt. so anywho... he came over today and we hung out for a longg timee. and i just realized i still have his bracelet... dont ask why he has one haha. so anywhooo... yeah today was funn. and i might hang out with brittany laterr! yayy haha.
    in other news... my ex step dad is gone for good. he moved all of his things out and gave us back the key. we're gonna get the locked changed anyways just in case. we are also getting a new fridge because ours is broken and isnt keeping anything cold.
    also, mel graduated on friday and i attended the ceremony. afterwards we went to a hotel with her mom and her moms partner and me and mel got our own hotel room and we stayed the night there. in the morning her moms partner gave us each $25 and we were at the outlet mall in waterloo and we had a fun day shopping!
    lauren also graduated on friday i think... but she hasnt talked to me in ages so i wouldnt know. i dont really like her right now. and i cant wait when her boyfriend leaves and she wants to come be friends with me and eric again because thats kinda impossible since her dad no longer lives here. eh, whatevs.
    so thats all for nowww! i hope you're all having a lovely summer :]


    Wednesday, June 23, 2010

    little letters.

    dear summer,
    you are officially here. now i can do whatever i want. i can go hang out with friends. go to the beach or a park. go out to eat or get ice cream. i can stay out late and look up at the stars. i can be free. my best friend is going to france in a couple weeks, but besides that i think this summer will be ahh-mazing. and besides the fact that i have summer work for my APUSH class in the fall.

    dear creation camp,
    i am oh so sorry that i will not be attending this year! it saddens me greatly.  everyone will be arriving this sunday. and i will not. i wish i could and im going to miss all of you soooo much! especially jebedia! im gonna miss all the fun activities and all the awesome camp counselors. and ill miss campfire most of all. that was always my favorite part.

    dear babysitting job,
    where have you gone? i havnt babysat in foreverr! i have no money what so ever and i kinda want some. its nice to have even just a little so that if i want i can just go out and do something like go get ice cream with a friend. also while zoe is in france trisha will need someone to babysit her kids and she already asked about me so im hoping she will call me.

    dear aaron,
    i saw you yesterday for like an hour. and we're still doing this whole one a week thing. its kinda bugging me. you're alwaysss busy. or at least thats what it seems like. monday is our 2 month anniversary and if i dont get to see you ill be sad. for the past month now we've only seen eachother like once a week. its not fun. i really want to see you a lot more. i guess its better than nothing.

    dear mel mel,
    we went riding our bikes in the pouring rain yesterday and it was soo much fun! but then you hit a pole and flipped off. i hope you're okay. i know you seemed pretty okay at my house yesterday but right when it happened you didnt look too good. we need to be more careful while riding bikes haha. i almost fell right in front of cars. that wouldnt have been good.


    Monday, June 21, 2010

    happy first day of summer!

    so today pretty much started off amazing! i slept over at catys house so after her test we hung out for a little while until i went home. then when i got home, i was home alone for a bit so i showered and got ready because aaron was supposed to come over. a little later i got a text from him saying he couldnt come till later so i thought that was fine. and i just read all afternoon. then my mom came home and we made tacos for dindin and watched some tv and i read some more. then aaron texted me back way later saying we couldnt hang out because his dad was making him soo busy. so that just got me sad because i really wanted to see him. and so now im up on the computer while my mom and oh joy are down stairs arguing. and he seriously says some of the stupidest shit ever. and the whole fighting thing is just downing my whole mood.
    anywhoo... good stuff... yeah lets talk about good stuff now... well my last exam is tomorrow! spanish. i know ill do fine... er... i hope. and summer started today so im all excited for that. hmm... yeah thats really all thats good right now >.<
    more bad... zoes leaving for france in about 2 weeks and she'll be gone all summer. i might go to summer school. i might not get to see aaron a lot this summer because he has football practice and summer school. rents are fighting constantly. im not going to camp. ugh i just dont see this summer as being a good one.
    i hope you all have fun summers.


    Saturday, June 19, 2010

    so much for hope.

    so i had hope that i passes my chem exam rightt. well i thought wrong! i got an even lower grade than i did on the midterm! i got a 51 >.< well i guess i always knew i was gonna fail. but guess what?! i also failed my global exam! i told you how i bullshitted the essay but i didnt think messing up on one essay would cause me to fail. i really thought i did everything else well. i've never failed any other subject besides science. not even like an F on my report card or anything. well i passed the classes though and i dont need to go to summer school. i just need to take these tests over in january. >.<


    Wednesday, June 16, 2010

    happy wednesday.

    so ive taken 2 of my finals so far. yesterday i took global, which was alright. i think i passed and did well except for one essay. it said to name 2 individuals who have influenced a group or nation. they named some people to pick and i didnt know what any of them did so i chose these 2 guys and my essay was only 3 paragraphs long and said "john locke was important. he said some stuff and did some stuff. galileo was also important. he also said some stuff and did some stuff. obviously other people did too but i like these guys. we go way back." and my conclusion was only one sentence long... it said "anywho... people are important." so yeah i didnt do to gret on that essay haha but i did the rest of the test fine!
    today i took chemistry which i was sure i was gonna fail. im not so sure about that now. i have some hope that i'll pass. on the midterm i didnt even read the questions. i just wrote random numbers down as my answers. and i got a 57. so i only needed less than 10 more points to pass. and today for the final i actually looked at all the questions and tried answering correctly. i still did guess on a bunch but im hoping that ill get that extra 10 points i needed so i can pass.
    tomorrow im taking english which will be the easiest thing ever! english is always easy for me and i know exactly what i need to do. after my test is over im going to catys housee to hang with her and jess! fun stuff cuz i havent seen them in foreverrr! and then i have a 4 day weekend. and then on tuesday i have my spanish final which im thinking will be pretty easy. and then im done! until september when im a junior :]
    i would ask to hear about your finals... but caty and sophie are the only people who read this and i can just ask you guys on facebook or something. so uhh... yeah. kaybye :]


    Monday, June 14, 2010

    sophomore finals

    start tomorrow! i took 2 already in class and they were math and programming. i got 73/79 in math which was the highest grade in the class so im happy haha. and in programming... i got a 59. but sense im not technically in that class, and i came in half way through the year, my teachers have decided to give me a 76 because in my real class i would have gotten 100. and they said i was challenging myself and i did really good in the class. anywhoo... hear is my exam schedule:
    tuesday june 15 aka tomorrow - (12-2pm) global history.
    wednesday june 16 - (12-2pm) chemistry
    thursday june 17 - (8-10am) english 2
    tuesday june 22 - (12-2pm) spanish 3
    and them guess what?! i will be considered a junior! isnt that amazing?! i feel soo olddd. and all my freshmen wont be freshmen anymore! they'll be sophomoress! high school is going by soo fast. like this year went incredibly quick. i remember how anxious i was on the first day. and next year we have to wear these fancy uniforms >.< ughhhh. whatevss. summer is almost heree and i cant wait :]


    Saturday, June 12, 2010

    happy birthday mommy!

    damnnn you're oldd! you've been alive for fifty years now! anywhooo i hope you have a lovely day on the erie canal and getting a pedicure! im gonna try to make you a cake or somethingg. i love youuu and you're the best mommy everr! so have a happy happy birthday! :]


    Friday, June 11, 2010

    so i totally forgot to do a things i love thursday yesterday but whatevs. im not doing one of those lists. theres not many things im happy about right now. so instead i will just inform you on a few more things that have happened in the past few days.
    i finally got around to calling virgin mobile and a new phone is being sent to me. its still a $10 one without a keyboard but i can handle it. i was actually getting used to the non-keyboardness with the other one until it broke. and its funny because i text like all the time, youd think id die without having a phone. im actually okay with it. i mean, i do miss texting people and stuff but the only person i really wanna text and hold a conversation with is aaron. so other than not texting aaron, im fine with not having a phone. even though i do love having one :]
    my mommys birthday is tomorrow. she is going to be 50 years old! i didnt get her anything because im broke but ill probably make her something tonight. i made her a mothers day picture thingy and she absolutely loved it! she framed it and now its hanging in our living room. also her and oh joy are officially divorced. so i no longer have a step dad or step sister. oh joy will continue living with us until about november but thats okay.
    im in school and it is 4th period and i should be in art but my art teacher isnt here today so she told us to come to the library. so im in the library and we're all on computers. the lady came in and asked someone to get off that wasnt doing school related work so that a student could get on to do work. nobody said anything so i volunteered to get off. she was like "you are soo sweet! i dont want you to get off now. you can go on my computer." so now im sitting at the front desk in a nice big fancy chair on the computer. haha. being polite comes with good things.
    2 days left of school until finals. im not too worried. i already took my math and programming ones in class. i know i passed my math one and i know i failed my programming one. but im not sure how my grades gonna work for programming because im not technically in that class. the class im in i would pass with flying colors. and the IB class that im unofficially in i was still passing with good grades. i just failed the final. but also i only came in the class in the middle of the year. im not too worried. im worried about my other finals too. i think im gonna fail chemistry. i really hope i dont but i think im gonna. i think i might barely pass spanish and i think ill pass global and i know ill pass english. english is always easy for me.
    theres only about 2 people who i actually would enjoy talking to right now and thats melissa and aaron. everyone else is either pissing me off or i just havent talked to them in forever. zoe got mad because i didnt want to go help her clean out her locker. and she said on facebook "maybe if you werent so conceited youd have more friends" she said that on her status and it didnt say who it was about but i knew it was about me. ashley keeps confiding in aaron with all her issues. it kinda bothers me because she'll just take him away from me so she can tell him stuff. hakiere even said its annoying that she always has drama. so i figured hakiere would understand so today i said "i love how ashley keeps taking my boyfriend away from me" and he said "say something to her or stop bitching about it" soooo i was like whatever and just walked away.
    yeahh so hopefully today is me and aarons once a week meetings arfter school >.< i would like to make it more than once a week. preferably everyday. summer is coming so i think it'll be better. anywhooo that would make me happy if he came over today. i dont have plans for this weekend sooo yeahh.
    sorry this was just a long thing just about my life at the moment. if it bored you im sorry. if you didnt read the whole thing i understand. if you enjoyed it... well then thanks i guess. that means you find my life interesting.
    have a lovely day :]


    Thursday, June 10, 2010

    summer jam 2010

    so i dont have any pictures yet but when i do ill put one up.
    so the 98 pxy 2010 summer jam was tuesday night and it was awesomee. a bunch of people were crowd surfing and at first it was cool but after like 3 people did and people just kept falling it was like why bother? you're just gonna hurt people. stop being stupid. yeahh this one dude got like thrown towards me and his head hit my head mega hard and then he fell to the ground right at my feet. i have a bruise on my head now. besides that and the fact that my feet were killing me from standing for 5 hours straight, it was really fun. we got pretty close too. deff a fun night and im hoping ill do it again next yearr.


    Monday, June 7, 2010

    im not sure what to call you

    i feel awful for neglecting this blog for so long! so i guess this post will just big a huge update.
    • may 28th was me and aarons one month. we've only had one fight type thing so far but it wasnt even a fight. it was last wednesday. i got upset because we dont get to actually be together a lot and melissa and zoe wouldnt move over so we could sit next to each other on the bus. i know its silly but it upset me. then i was mad at aaron because he was ignoring me for a game. so  he walked me home and i was just being a bitch to him and stuff and when he tried to leave i pulled him back because i didnt want him to go but i couldnt find the words to say anything. so he left. and i started crying. i felt like an idiot for not saying anything and i was more upset with myself than anything. then i thought about how he said i was difficult and i cried more. i texted him apologizing for being a bitch and he made me feel better. so we're all good now but i miss him. which brings me to bullet numero dos!
    • my phone broke. i was texting in the shower (i know, im an idiot) and it broke. so i bought a new one. it was a cheap one without a keyboard and it was only $10. i got it last friday. i was perfectly fine with it, even without a keyboard which surprised me, but guess what? this friday, it broke! it only lasted a week! so now i dont have a phone. im gonna call in and ask for an exchange because it only lasted a week which is some bull. so no texting. which is bad because thats how i communicate with aaron when im not with him because he doesnt have a facebook or anything and he doesnt like calling. boo :[
    • this is the last week of my sophomore year! woo! i have school everyday this week and monday next week. then i have finals. i have a final on tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and the next tuesday. and then school is overr! im so excited for summer! but zoe is leaving me to go to france all summer long! so i wont have her at all. i would enjoy writing her letters though so i should ask her if we could do that haha. speaking of france...
    • guess where im going next april?! Paris, France. London, England. and Barcelona, Spain. i am soooo freaking excited! its a school trip and it costs almost 4 thousand dollars. my gramma already gave me a thousand dollars for it. im gonna try to get a thousand myself by saving all the money i get between now and then. im going to save all my birthday, christmas, and babysitting money. im gonna try to get a job and that would contribute too. plus we're doing fund raising in school i think. a few people are saying "oh why are you going there? its a waste of time. all you're gonna do is look around and leave." but thats whats fun about it! and just the fact that im there will be soo exciting. anywho so yeah thats what im looking forward to.
    • im also looking forward to summer jam! its tomorrow! i will be attending with my mother, step dad, lauren, her friend nicole, and her boyfriend kirk. im excited and not excited all at the same time. i think the people that are gonna be playing are freaking awesome! but i dont really want to go with lauren and her friends. i feel like ill be the odd one out. im the youngest and i really only know lauren. either way im sure it'll be fun.
    • my mommys birthday is on saturday! she'll be 50! hakieres birthday is on the 15th. hes gonna be 15. haha its his special birthday. 15 on the 15th. also the birthdays in may that i forgot:
      • jessica ashley hollister! may 20th. she had a sour sixteen. i enjoyed it even if she had a tough time. i hope she enjoys being 16 and  i love herr!
      • scott morse. may 23rd. he is now 19. i dont really talk to him too much anymore but i hope he enjoys life still being a teenager.  not so grown up yet.
      • my daddy! may 31st. he turned 47 i think ahaa. it was memorial day. we went to his parents house and went mini golfing and whatnot. it was fun :]
    alrightyy thats all for now! ill make sure to post about summer jam. oh and i cant go to camp this year because we need that money for the trip to europe. yeah so i hope you all are having a lovely day!

    Wednesday, May 19, 2010

    little letters.

    dear hair,
    i loooove you! you have been the best hair ever for the past few days now. i've realized that if i take a shower the night before and put you in 2 french braids overnight and then straighten you in the morning, you will look really good! :]

    dear spanish orals,
    you are tomorrow! ahhh. im a little nervous but i dont think i really have a reason to be because i always get all the points! i will study a little bit tonight though because i've realized: studying does help.

    dear non-existent job,
    i want you to be existing! i want to work and get money so i can go out and do fun things on a regular basis! not once every few months. grrr. i applied to 6 places and no calls :[ booo.

    Friday, May 14, 2010

    things i love thursday! (on friday)

    im late on this againnn! but yesterday i really didnt do anything. after school i basically just went to sleep and didnt wake up until this morning! so anywho heres my things i love thursday, friday edition.

    • french manicures. i did my own and melissas as well! and even though i did them myself, they look pretty good.
    • tacos! i've been eating them for 5 days straight now. you see, we had them for dindin on sunday but nobody was home to eat any. so we had tons of leftovers and im the only one in the house who eats leftover tacos. so they've lasted me this week and there is still some left!
    • mr.sniffles. this is aarons new name. he told me that last year his friends called him "sniffles" because he came in sick and kept sniffling. so i laughed and thought the name suited him so i started calling him mr.sniffles.
    • my programming teacher. me and veronica have been going to his class for lunch for the past 3 days now. we get uber bored in lunch and its less boring in his room. and he's funny!
    • being "vocalists" me, veronica, and asha were in band and we were about to play starwars (its one of the songs we're gonna play in the concert) and we were like going "doo doodoo doo doo doo doodoodoo doo doo doo doo doodoodoo doo doo doo doodoo doo doodoo" ya know? and we went through the whole song doing that but how our parts sound and it was sooo cool! haha we recorded it too!

    haha alrighty sooo yeahh. so this weekend the only thing i have planned is jessicas birthday partyy. so yeahhh. have a nice life! :]


    Sunday, May 9, 2010

    Happy Mothers Day!

    so last night i found a bunch of arts and crafts type stuff in my house so i took it all upstairs and i wanted to make something. i knew mothers day was tomorrow so i was gonna make something for my mommy.  have an origami kit and i know she likes flowers so i made 4 of them. i didnt know what to do with them so i just started doing more stuff and i ended up making this lovely picture thingy for my mommy ^^. i put it on the fridge last night after she went to bed and she saw it in the morning and wrote a little note saying she loved it! im so creative :]
    i hope all you mothers out there are having a lovely mothers day! 


    Friday, May 7, 2010

    things i love thursday ((on fridayy))

    • rainnnn!
    • ninaa :]
    • hanging out with my buddies.
    • only having one more marking period of the yearr.
    • being funnnny!
    • not being shy in front of people.
    • being pressed by little freshies.
    • being mature and not letting that get to me.
    • my programming teacher rambling to us about phones hahah.
    • my hannah montana pillow!
    blahhh i dont have much to say this weeek. goodbyeee :]


    Sunday, May 2, 2010

    little letters.

    dear boyfriend,
    you are amazing. you make me oh so very happy and im glad i have you. we havent even been together for a week yet... but i like you a lottt.

    dear self,
    you're fat. you need to do something about that. and you will. starting today. find the self control to not eat junk food and not sit at home all day.

    dear warm weather,
    you're here! today its actually hot outside! i walked outside wearing shorts and a tank top and i was still hot! now thats what i call good weather.

    dear money,
    i want to take you and spend you! i want to go out with my friends and have a good time! and go shopping! but no. i need to save you. for bigger and better things.

    dear blog,
    i love you. you are a place i can just write about everything and anything. i can be happy or sad or anything else on here. so thank you for being here :]


    Happy Birthday Caty!

    its your 16th so you better have fun today! you are my bestie and i hump you more than the anything and everything! yeah we get into fights a lot and we stop being friends, but we always come back! we have so many fun memories. like eating tuna, playing gta, staying up alllll night, new years (3 in a row), mallin, stalking cute boys, our bff blog, fun guy... fungi hehe, our awesome aim conversations about everything, and many more. we are true besties and ill hump you forever! so i hope your birthday is everything you wanted it to be and more :]


    Saturday, May 1, 2010

    oh look, its may!

    for some reason when i saw that today was may, i got happy! maybe because may means nice warm weather. it means the end of the school year is near. it means flowers and swimming and friends and memories. it means a lot of things and im glad its here. there are a ton of birthdays in may and the first is catys, tomorrow and the last is my daddys, on the 31st. so ill be doing lots of "happy birthday" posts! well at least 4. :] have a lovely may!


    Thursday, April 29, 2010

    things i love thursday!

    • my lovely boyfriendd
    • blonde moments. they're all my life is haha.
    • being special in my programming class because im the only sophomore and im not in IB like the rest of them.
    • going to summer jam! remember i went last year? well im going again this year! june 8th.
    • listening to music. im alwaysss listening to musicc. its awesomeee!
    • the butterflies in your stomach feeling you get while talking to or being with the person you likee.
    • holding hands. its my favoritee.
    • being outside. so much more fun than being inside. especially now that the weathers nice!
    • painting your nails different colors!
    • being happy. thats always a good thing :]

    alrightyy i guess im done for this week. my tummy hurts right now :[ boo. so yeahh. bye.


    Wednesday, April 28, 2010

    today was fun!

    it was prety much just like every other day i have except for the fact that i got a boyfriend todayy! guess who?? its aaron! him and melissa came to my house and hung out for a few hours after school today. melissa left at 4 and aaron stayed for about another hour. we just hung out and had fun and stuff and right before he left he asked me out! and it was definitely the best time a guy asked me out so far. because ive always had it over text and i was too nervous but no, not with him. i wasnt nervous at all and he looked me in the eyes while asking. ive never been looked in the eyes while being asked out and i wanted to be. i just thought it was sweet. and we were holding hands and we hugged and stuff. no kisses yet thoughh. anywhoo so yeah today was kinda fun :]


    Saturday, April 24, 2010

    spring break

    is basically over! heres my week:
    Friday after school i walked to east and met up with caty and her friends. we all walked to the auditorium theater where the day of silence dance was! it was uber fun and very different. but in a good way. i'll probably go again next year if i can go with caty. then me and caty took a bus to jessicas school where we got mega bored listening to a guy preach for like 2 hours. then the 3 of us walked to friendlys and got a huge ice cream nd harassed julius! then andrew and jolana picked us up and we slept over at jessicas house.
    Saturday my mom picked me up and took me home. lauren came over and it was boring. my daddy picked me up around 5 and i got to drive around and then i went babysitting. then kathee drove me home with my $40 and i went to sleep. most boring day of my week.
    Sunday i drove around some more and i drove myself home from my daddys house which was fun. i enjoy driving. then i was just home and matt and jess and stephen came over. we just hung out for a bit and then they were gonna leave and come back later. so they left and came back later around 12am but without stephen. so the 4 of us, matt, eric, me, and jess,played a game and stayed up till about 5am. then we went to sleep.
    Monday my mommy woke me and jess up around 8am and we got coffee at wilson farms and went to catys house! we started recording ourselves doing awesome stuff because we're going to make a music video! we went to the park behind 16 school and hung out there for a bit. then we went back to catys and jess went home. then me and caty went shopping and stuff. and we made food and did other stuff i cant really remember lol. then we went to bed!
    Tuesday we woke up and made cookies and stuff. and watched tv and i really cant remember much. haha. anyways so i went home and hung out at home for a little bit and then i went over to zoes house. we went to her neighbors house and watched glee. then we went back to her house and watched the whole first season of glee. im now addicted. we stayed up until 3:30am when her dad told us to go to sleep.
    Wednesday in the morning zoe straightened my hair and i went home. around 12:30 i hung out with hakiere and his little brother ihsaan at the park near my house. aaron met up with us and we went to hakieres house. we played mario cart and brawl and i lost in both of them. blah i suck at video games. then we went outside and played monkey in the middle and that was really fun. we hung out all day and aaron walked me home around 8:30pm. then i texted them until i fell asleep.
    Thursday started off the same as wednesday except i was home. melissa and hakiere came to my house around 12:30 and we all went to the park again. aaron met up with us again and we played tag for a little while. then we all went back to hakieres house and played video games again and then went outside and played monkey in the middle. i fell and scraped my arm but it was still fun. then at 4 me and melissa walked home. me and my mom and eric went to the mall and met up with lauren. we ate and shopped a little and then went home. then we went to the movies and saw valentines day. it was really good. then we went home and i texted people and went to sleep.
    Friday melissa and aaron were the first over at my house. we hung out inside for a while and then went outside so i could attempt to roller blade. i kind of sucked lol. then hakiere came and aaron had to leave. then we went inside and melissa had to leave. so it was me and hakiere all day! we went to his house and i played video games with his little brother for a bit but then it got boring so we watched phineas and ferb and me and hakiere were kinda having a tickle fight haha. i was laughing so hard i started crying. then we went back to my house and hung out and watched malibus most wanted. then aaron came over at 8pm and hakiere had to go home. so me and aaron played tap tap and just like hung out for 2 hours. then he went home too. then i was texting him until i fell asleep.
    Today my mom woke me up and i drove us to the public market. we walked around and bought veggies and whatnot and i bought a little cheesecake. then we went out for lunch at wendys. then i drove us to supercuts and i got my eyebrows waxed. then we went to wegmans. then we came home and i came on the computer and and typing this! in a few hours i will go to my daddys house and i guess we're going to this park thingy and then im staying over there until tomorrow.
    so i have had a very eventful week! very busy. and on monday i will be going back to school. i will get an answer from delmar on if he wants to go out or not but im not so sure if i do anymore. so ill update on that when the time comes. hope you all had a fun week. bye :]


    Thursday, April 22, 2010

    things i love thursday

    • hanging out with the boys multiple days in a row. (hakiere and aaron)
    • playing monkey in the middle. its fun :]
    • playing video games... which i kinda suck at. but im not a sore loser so its all good!
    • shopping, which i hadnt done in forever until today!
    • yogen fruz! its the best of the best.
    • watching the whole first season of glee. its amazing. point blank.
    • not being afraid of getting dirty. it makes me feel like im a little kid again. i even fell and scraped my arm today.
    • making cookies. thats always fun. especially when you do it with your bestie.
    • spring break. no school. soo much fun.

    thats all for now. and just a little update on boys: i like aaron. i might still like delmar, but i havnt talked to him in a few days and i dont even think about him so obviously i didnt like him that much. aaron i never stopped liking really. and ive spent the past 2 days with him soooo i kinda like him a lot right now! so heres a list of boys who i know like me: delmar. aaron. hakiere. its funny because i never would have thought these guys would like me, until they told me. so anywho yeahh spring break is fun. i hope you're all enjoying the week!


    Tuesday, April 20, 2010

    little letters.

    dear spring break,
    im not grounded this year! so i can enjoy you and your wonderfulness! i've already had fun bestie time with my besties and ive done some driving. now i just gotta hang with the rest of my friends :]

    dear delmar,
    i like you a lot. but i only see you in school. and besides school i can talk to you on facebook but not a lot. you said on monday you will let me know if we are gonna go out or not. the only thing holding you back is chandler. well i hope he doesnt effect your decision.

    dear aaron,
    i like you a little. if me and delmar dont go out i see you in my future. you're funny and you like me too. you're my bestie and even if we dont go out we're still gonna hang out and be awesome!

    dear summer,
    hurry  up and get here. i can not wait to go swimming and go to amusement parks and go to concerts and go to the beach and have week long sleepovers! and camp will be fun because zoe might be there! oh this summer will be one to remember. :]

    dear music,
    you are my ultimate best friend. i know im always saying how music is amazing and makes everything better but its true! music just makes my mood go from whatever to greatt! id probably be depressed if i didnt have music.

    so im not sure if you've noticed but i kinda only like freshmen. chandler. freshman. devin. freshman. delmar. freshman. aaron. freshman. like whats up with that? i need some older friends haha. anywho you know what else i like more than others? odd numbers. i like them better than even numbers. im not sure why but i do. hehe im an odd individual. oh well :] have a lovely spring break!

    Thursday, April 15, 2010

    things i love thursday :]

    • the fact that delmar likes me back!
    • being extremely amazingly happy. wow eric just pissed me off wtf.
    • good music making my happy mood turn even happier. if i was any happier, i might explode.
    • chocolate chip cookies! yumm :]
    • picnics in my backyard on a twister mat. i've had two of them now. soo fun!
    • not talking all day, which is what ill be doing tomorrow for two reasons. 1)day of silence 2)protesting uniforms at my school.
    • being on the phone for hours with my bestie!
    • being outside. outsideness makes me happy.
    • being funny. even though not many people will admit it, i am very funny. like i dont crack jokes or anything but i just say random stuff thats funny as a mofo.
    • google! whenever i dont know something... google!
    • my art project. i didnt like it... but i added a quote to it and now i love it. its amazing how something so small can affect how i feel.
    • being happy. i know i've said this a thousand times but its never enough. im just so happy :]
    • the day of silence dance tomorrow with caty and her friends!
    • walking! its fun and good for you. i like walking, especially if im with people i like.
    i guess thats all for this thursday :)


      Tuesday, April 13, 2010

      the great wonders of april 13th.

      it was like a million peoples birthdays today! but the most important one to me was brandon! my bff haha. so happy birthday brandonn. you're finally my age :]

      also i dont really talk about this much anymore, but april 13, 2006 exactly 4 years ago, i got my first real boyfriend, billy dobson. oh can you say first love? im not actually sure if i loved him but i had lots of feelings for him. out of all the boys ive cried over, ive cried over him the most. anywhooo i have lots of lovely stories about him if youd ever like to hear... that is if you havnt already heard them haha.

      also, i was just skimming through some of my recent posts and caty was right. i am very fickle. i had a hugeee crush on corey less than ten days ago and now i have a mega crush on delmar. but as i explained to her, i have no clue who i could end up with so whenever i get a little crush i try to do something about it and if it works out, it works out. if not, why stay hooked on it when i can move on and find someone who i might have a future with.

      alrighty thats all for todayy :]

      love is what makes you smile when you're tired.

      sooo today was pretty awesome if i do say so myself. but lets go back to last week really quick. me and delmar got "married" and we acted all couple-ish. i started developing a crush on him. i told a few people and i guess zoes friends guessed and zoe made a face so they thought it was true and they told delmar. i felt all weird after that because i was sure he didnt like me. i acted kind of shady around him for the past 2 days just because i thought things would be weird.welllll, melissa talked to him and found out that he likes me too! but he thinks i might not like him now because melissa asked me and i said no because i didnt want rumors to start. sooo i got alllll extra happy when i found this out. and so i am going to talk to him in school tomorrow and tell him i like him and talk to him about us possibly dating. because he said he might not want to because it causes drama and because i dated chandler aka his bff. but ill try to wokr things out. hopefully something good will come out of this :]


      Monday, April 12, 2010

      TV teaches you a lot.

      weather you want to believe it or not.

      phineas and ferb taught me that the little thing on the tip of a shoelace is called an aglet. they even have a cute little song for it "A-G-L-E-T aglet! dont forget it!" and they repeat that over and over :)
      they also taught me that if i put my mind to it, i can do anything! like building a rocket or fighting a mummy or climbing up the eiffel tower. discovering something that doesnt exist or giving a monkey a shower! hehe if any of you watch phineas and ferb you'll get why what i just said was funny :]

      hannah montana taught me that if theres something that you enjoy doing, you shouldnt let people hold you back. and also that if you love someone, you should tell them the truth. because lying will only hurt them more. like in the one episode where lilly cant sing and miley tried to help her and ends up making her look bad. she says that singing is just something to do for fun and everyone should be able to do it even if they dont have the best voice.

      We haven't met
      And that's okay
      'Cause you will be asking for me one day
      Don't want to wait
      In line
      The moment is mine believe me
      Don't close your eyes
      'Cause it's a chance worth takin'
      And I think that I can shake you
      I know where I stand
      I know who I am
      I would never run away when life gets bad, it's
      Everything I see
      Every part of me
      Gonna get what I deserve
      I got nerve
      ^^lyrics from a hannah montana song :] 

      Sunday, April 11, 2010

      driving is

      fun! my daddy took me out driving yesterday and i really enjoyed it. it was more intense than what i had usually done and i felt all grown up :] there were cars all over coming towards me, behind me. and i even had to go throught a big intersection. haha that scared me a little but i did it! and then i went into the subway parking lot and parked! and then i drove myself to kathees house (kathee is the person i babysit for). it was awesome. i cant wait until i actually get my license. that probably wont be for a while thoughh.

      Thursday, April 8, 2010

      things i love thursday.

      • nice warm weather.
      • thunderstorms.
      • nina and her silly ways.
      • having soft hair.
      • swimming.
      • being married to delmar.
      • maybe crushing on my husband >.<
      • wearing flip flops.
      • taking showers.
      • taking pictures.
      • being happy; laughing; smiling.
      • cute boys.
      • singing loudly with friends.
      • reading.
      • procrastinating.
      • having your nails painted.
      • babysitting.
      • watching disney channel.
      • hannah montana marathons.
      • good movies.
      • asians :)
      • khang. 
      also today is khangs 16th birthday! so happy birthday to him :] i hit him 2 times and he kicked me... so i stopped. hahah. :]

      Wednesday, April 7, 2010

      I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart that I left unspoken

      a lot of songs remind me of someone. they bring up different memories and it makes me happy. i think about all the good times i had while listening to these songs. (:

      what hurts the most - rascal flatts: brittany ochterbeck. we would be on the phone and shed blast music and wed scream sing to it. this was one of the songs. we loved it. this was back in like either 7th or 8th grade.
      the curse of curves - cute is what we aim for: andrew angelico. we used to talk all the time on aim back in the 8th grade. he suggested this song. ive loved it ever sense.
      it ends tonight - the all american rejects: haley mayer. this was my favorite song and she was my favorite person. we went to darien lake for her 12th birthday and we listened to this song and others on the CD the whole time.
      the great escape - boys like girls: jessica hollister and caty morse. this is just our song haha. we all loved it when we became friends.
      love drunk - boys like girls: lauren hall. she used to loooove this song. i heard it for the first time because of her. also, me, her, and kelly saw them at the summer jam!
      mad - neyo: chandler scott. this was our song. we always fought and i loved this song at the time and i told him to listen to it and he was all "this should be our song!"
      so sick - neyo: billy dobson. we dated in the 6th grade and this was my favorite song in the 6th grade. so i listened to it all the time and i thought about him all the time. haha.
      fall for you - secondhand serenade: dillon cavalli. i liked him summer 08. and this was my favorite song that summer. i remember i spent a week at my dads house and i listened to this song and talked to him non stop.

      theres a bunch more but im not saying every one. :]

      Tuesday, April 6, 2010

      i think i just died a little inside.

      so i have this mega crush on this guy. ive posted about it before. and i have like nooo chance with him. but i had hope before! i had hope that maybe possibly if we talked more and stuff there could possibly be more than friendship. all my hopes and dreams about that are now crushed. would you like to know why? because someone asked him on formspring what his type of girl is. he said he didnt really have a type but then he said he'd be happy as shit if he found a short asian or black girl. i am not short, asian, or black. im tall and white. so grrr! but he did say he'd hang out with me over spring break. hmm... i guess friends will have to do. pshh who am i kidding? i'll never lose this little bit of hope still left. until he tells me himself that he doesnt like me, i will have some hope. but im totally not gonna ask him.

      Tuesday Tips

      1. take lots of pictures. capture every moment.
      2. say hello to anyone and everyone. even if you dont know them.
      3. dont be afraid to share your opinion. it’s what you believe. 
      4. if you want to do or wear something, dont let others change your mind. do what you want to do.
      5. go outside and breath in the fresh spring air. enjoy it while it lasts.
      6. dont hold grudges. let go of the past and move forward. it’ll make you a lot happier.
      7. blast some music. if you’re not feeling well, it’ll help. if you’re feeling fine, you’ll feel even better! 
      8. ignore rude comments. dont fight back. its the mature thing to do.
      9. sing! sing whatever, whenever. its fun (: 
      10. dont be afraid to ask for help. its not something to be embarrassed about. everyone needs help every now and then.

      thats it for this weeeek (:

      disclaimer: i got this from my bestie catyy!

      Sunday, April 4, 2010

      happy rabbit hide eggs day!

      thats what chandler texted me saying this morning. :]
      so happy easter everyone! i hope you all had a wonderful day and did lots of fun things with the people you love. i went to syracuse to see my grandparents and uncle. we went out for dindin and then we had dessert at home. my uncle took me out driving! driving is soo much funn. so today was funn. now tomorrow im back off to school for another 2 weeks and then spring break! cant waitt :]


      Thursday, April 1, 2010

      Hello April!

      its april!!!! spring is in the air! i cant wait to go swimming and walk in the warm weather and do all the fun spring stuff. today the weather was amazingly warm! now we have a three day weekend and easter is on sunday! woo! fun stuff. alrightyyy. byee!


      things i love thursday.

      • having awesome bestie sleepover with my awesome bestie.
      • baking cookies... with our hands!
      • watching cute little movies.
      • feeding layne. lmao
      • eating my hands hahah.
      • insiders.
      • cake in a cup. cake in a cup. looking like a fool with your cake in a cup.
      • jumping on the bed and dancing like 5 year olds.
      • building forts!
      • me and catys awesome secret handshake. 
      • me. me me  me me me me me. dana dana dana dana me.:]

      im doneeeee

      Wednesday, March 31, 2010

      little letters.

      dear sickness,
      go away. i like being healthy. healthy is fun! and its good for you... cuz its healthy. uh duh. hehe. i must admit, you are getting better... but you're not gone yet. you've stayed with me long enough. its been 6 days! holy cow. leavee! like now! please and thank you.

      dear report card,
      i dont like you very much right now. i just got my lowest gpa of a 3.39. ever since i got a 4.0 and 4.11 last year, my standards for my grades are really high. i like As. not Bs or Cs, As! i got 2 Cs, 4 Bs, and 3 As. that doesnt make me happy. i got 7 As last year.

      dear the all american rejects,
      i love you. i remember when i was in 7th grade you were my favorite band. sorry, you've been replaced by boys like girls, but i still love you. i was looking for your CD the other day but couldnt find it :[ you give me so many memories. i like it.

      dear new moon,
      you complete me. you're a movie of hot guys running around with no shirts on. who wouldnt love that? even the people who are anti-twilight should love that! and jacob black is soo beautiful. he is one of my many future husbands. we'll make little wolf babies.

      dear music,
      i dont know what id do without you. no matter what, if im in a bad mood and i listen to some music it will cheer me right up. me and eric are fighting? i go into my room and blast some music. next thing ya know im all happy and shit haha. you're like jesus in a disc. :]

      xoxo, dana


      sometimes i just want to fit in perfectly. i want to be the same. i want everyone to think im cool and not lame for not doing whatever it is they like doing.
      sometimes i just want to be different. i want people to look at me and see someone whos not like the rest, but still interesting. i want to have my own style and start my own trends.
      sometimes i wish things were how they used to be. i wish i still had some of my old friends. i wish i was younger. i wish things would be easier.
      sometimes i wish people would grow up and move on. holding grudges or holding onto anything really, isnt good. i wish people would notice that it isnt helping anything.
      sometimes i wish i was famous. i wish everyone knew who i was. and  everywhere i went people who know who i was.
      sometimes i wish i was pretty and skinny. i wish more guys would like me and that they would come running to me. i wish i could do things without being self conscious.
      sometimes i love myself. i think im pretty and smart and fun. im creative and outgoing. i have friends and a family that loves me. im a cool kid.
      sometimes i hate myself. i think im fat and ugly. im a "dumb blonde". im annoying. im too loud. i try to hard to be something im not. i copy people.
      sometimes i just wish life was a lot easier and had all the answers right in front of you.

      Thursday, March 25, 2010

      things i love thursday!

      • having my bestest bestie back. we be mad tight yo.
      • having hannah montana and sonny with a chance marathons with zoe.
      • having phineus and ferb marathons by myself haha.
      • teachers saying things that can be taken in the most sexual way but they dont notice it and all the students do.
      • melissas birthday!
      • being done first in my programming class.
      • people being nice. it comes with a good feeling.
      • my english teacher. hes da best.
      • my mommy calling nina a "chunker"

      Thursday, March 18, 2010

      things i love thursday

      • going to foundation in the morning and hanging with Mr. Parisi.
      • sleeping in a bed. (i've slept on the ground for the past 3 nights and it is soo very uncomfortable. so i now have bruises on my hips >.< and i slept on my bed last night and it felt sooo good.)
      • rearranging my room. its good to have a little change sometimes.
      • cat parties. (haha i walked outside yesterday to let patchy in and there were 3 other cats outside too.)
      • having discussions in lunch on which is better, the lion king or toy story. (lion king!)
      • my english teacher being back from new mexico! i like him way more than the sub we had.
      • hanging out outside with no coats and not being cold :] oh how i love spring.
      • sitting on driveways. i dont know why but i love doing that.
      • the awesome ghetto guy in my global class. hes funny haha.
      • lauren bringing me back something from paris. she'll be back next sunday. soo far awayy!
      • scrap booking with zoe and the lady she babysits for, trisha (i think im doing that on saturday...?)
      • gabe the mexican talking to me. it completely made my day on monday. i see him all the time but we havnt spoken any words at all this year until monday!
      • nina. she is my one and only little fuzzy butt.
      • the telephone video that zoe made me watch. its sooo creepy haha.
      • listening to music. it just sorta makes everything better.
      • bright orange nails. they're fun :]
      • long thought out posts. i didnt used to do them. but this post took me a while because i actually thought of a bunch of things that i love now.
      • new stuff. (my charlie the unicorn bag that says "i am the banana king!" and my new hoodie and sweat pants from aerie.)
      kay thats for this week :]


      Monday, March 15, 2010

      really long update type thingy.

      happy monday everyone! i hope all of your days are going swell. my day was fantabulous. well, for the most part. its funny because today actually wasnt one of my best days but for some reason i just block out all of the bad parts.
      i spent a third of my school day in the band room. yes im a band geek. but i havnt practiced the songs much so i had to get caught up. my stomach started hurting and i dont know why but it hurt for a few periods. i got mad in lunch.
      ok so i have this like secret hate for chandler but ill talk about that another time. but he sat at my table and khang shot an orange peel at zoes table and they asked who did it and chandler goes "DANA! *points at dana*" and i absolutely hate being blamed for stuff i didnt do so i was like "i didnt do that you liar!" and i started shooting orange peels at him. then he went and sat at a table near me and chelsea followed cuz shes a creeper and she told veronica to come too so she did. so i was alone at the table and they actually were like laughing at me im like really? you're so mature.
      so the next few classes were ok. then i went to programming which is my favorite class and the class with my freshmen. so my teacher said we had to make a "get method" and i didnt recognize those words and also i thought they could have learned it before i was in the class. haha so i said "i dont know what that is" and melissa goes "yeah you do we just did it like last week." and i was like oh well i dont remember and then she said something like oh and you think you're so smart or something and im like wth? so class went normal.
      then on the bus brian looked upset and he said to me earlier that he wanted to talk to me so i asked him why he was upset and he said "reasons" and melissa comes in and says "because people are all up in his business." and i sarcastically said "oh really who?" because i was obviously in his business then. and she said "like everyone and you right now dipshit." im like seriously wtf?! so i just ignored her.
      then i came home and home was normal. just how home always is. so theres my day for ya.

      you wanna know something i find really funny? science has always been my worst subject. i got straight Cs in living environment. i failed earth science. and now im in chemistry. and guess what? i have an A+. and out of all of my grades, its my highest. shocker right? and another funny thing about that is... im gonna fail the final. i have no doubt that i will fail. i got a 56 on the midterm after the curve. on the final, there is no curve. so im screwed. but ill pass the class and thats all that matters to me.
      so theres only about 2 people who read my blog and they already know what im about to say but im going to say this anyways to inform the imaginary readers that i have. so i have a new boyfriend. hes great. the only downfall to this is that i lost my best friend over it. you see, he is her brother. and we've already had problems with this but idk. this just sorta happened like this. is it for the better? for the worse? im not sure right now but i'll figure it out and i'll go with what i think is right.
      right now im listening to the all american rejects and i miss the CD i had. i got it in the 7th grade and i let my friend borrow it and i never saw it again. but i have some of the songs on the computer and i love them soo much. it really brings back some haley memories. mostly of when we went to darien lake for her 12th birthday. that was realllly fun. as much as i dont like haley now, we had some goooood times.
      so anywhoo this is a realllly long post. so im going to end it now. i hope you all have a good night. im going to bed now :]


      Thursday, March 11, 2010

      things i love thursday :]

      • the good feeling you get when you call in to where you applied and they tell you to call back. like in a good way. like "ok we'll look you over, call back."
      • knowing most of the words to a rap. makes me feel like a gangster :]
      • making plans to go to a movie with a group of friends.
      • my mommys homemade mac n cheese. yuuuuummy!
      • getting some friends and going  somewhere to eat. great time to socialize too!
      • music. it makes life soo much better.
      • warm weather! not having to wear a coat to school is great! and i just love it. the whole sunshine warmth pretty everything! i love the wind blowing on me on a nice warm day.
      • saying something and everyone taking it completely sexual.
      • telling your teacher to "shut up" and then realizing what you said and saying "oh my god, im sorry! dont shut up!" haha
      • babysitting! its how i get my money at the moment :]
      • making the best of a bad situation. its not worth it to stay upset.
      • having a boyfriend :]
      • noticing things that others dont. ex.1 i noticed a typo in our programming paper! ex.2 i noticed me and my mommys coffee tasted like iced tea and not coffee... the lady accidentally put tea in it >.<
      • savoia bakery! its soo pretty!
      alrightt thats it for this week!


      a whole year?!

      WOO! guess what? it's been exactly a year since i started this blog! so to celebrate a whole year ill post some pictures of me and my friends over the year! :]

      Monday, March 8, 2010


      i want to have my own cute little house. i want it to be completely original. i want to have cute little knick knacks (sp?)
      id like some cute mugs that whenever i see them i get a smile on my face and a nice feeling inside.

      maybe a nice, unique coffee table in the middle of my living room. i think thatd add a nice, awesome touch to everything. 
      i really like this living room. i want a red couch. and pretty paintings on the walls. i like this a lot, but im not sure if my house will be as nice looking fancy ish. ya know? haha