Thursday, July 8, 2010

little letters.

dear boyfriend,
we're having problems... well... i am at least. we've been dating for over 2 months now and our relationship has barely gone anywhere. i want us to act more like a couple. sooo im gonna talk to you about this because if i just break up with you, nothing good will come from that. but if we dont change soon... this might be over.

dear other boy,
i like you. i know its bad to like you while i have a boyfriend but i cant help it. and im pretty darn sure you dont like me... but i still have that little hope that i always had. i think i might always like you... but i just like you more when i actually talk to you a lot like i do now.

dear other other boy,
you were right. i didnt know it at the time, but you were. i wont ever admit it because id feel like a complete idiot but its true. and it bugs me how much of a jerk you can be sometimes. i probably wont talk to you for a while though. it would just be too weird.

dear tony from taco bell,
please hire me. i had an interview with you yesterday and i think it was decent. im not sure exactly what you were looking for or how interviews usually go because this was my first but im just hoping you like me enough to give me the job. i would be a great employee.

dear summer school,
you're not that bad. i actually kinda like you which is such a lame thing to say. im not alone this year like i was last because i have caty. also even though i havent taken geometry yet... im one of the smartest kids in the class, its amazing! im soo gonna pass the test.



  1. Good luck with the job hunt and the boy situation! Life isn't easy, is it? I'm rooting for you!

    xx Katie

  2. thanks! i got the job :] and no life isnt easy, but its worth it.


i love reading everything you have to say (: