Wednesday, March 3, 2010

a letter to you.

dear boy,
i like you a lottt. i dont know how it started... maybe it was the harmless flirting... not so harmless i guess. you may think its kinda creepy that i stalk you via internet but you dont know... so its all good haha. it really sucks that you dont like me back. but i look at your blog and every little thing i see on it just makes me like you more. you're sensitive and sweet and real. you're so down to earth and you're just like amazing. you know i like you, but i dont think you know how muchh i like you. and it really sucks for me because you probably think im just some silly little girl whos crushing on you. i know we text and i guess you could say we're friends, but we're not really. i dont think you even like me as a friend that much and that makes me sad. because even if you didnt like me, id love to be like good friends with you. but i dont think that'll happen. *sigh* i guess ill just have to keep secretly liking you. maybe in the future we'd become something more? nothing wrong with hoping. :]



i love reading everything you have to say (: