Wednesday, January 6, 2010


so i've been thinking a lot lately. some things are important. other things are just silly things i think up. so im gonna share with you some of my thoughts.

-chandler. he has always been on my mind, obviously, but i've been thinking about him more. we've been a couple 8 times over the past year ish. every single time it has ended. so i told him i think we should just be friends... forever. the good thing about this is that i wont get annoyed at him much and i wont be committed to him. the bad thing is that if he goes and gets another girlfriend i will be jealous. i know that i shouldnt because im the one who ended it, but i just love him.

-my rents. my mom and my step dad to be more specific. they just got married last year on valentines day. not even a year yet. they fight non stop all the time. also my step dad does not like me or my brother. but he loves his daughter sooo much. because of course shes a perfect little princess. shes totally not and even the things she does wrong we get blamed for. im not sure if my mom will stay with him much longer. hes a jerk and hes stupid. i dont want to see my mom have another failed marriage but she might just have to.

-my friends. which are real and which arent. which are good, nice friends and which are just jerks. everyone has their jerky moments but being mean like all the time? im kinda sensitive and i dont like being made fun of all the time. i mean i understand a joke every now and then but 24/7? no. i only have a few really good friends that i know are real. and they're the ones i love.

-school. i was worried about chemistry because i was failing but guess what!? i just found out that i have an A+ in that class now! isnt that great!? also i have an A+ in my computer class and my math class too. im getting both of those classes switched right after midterms though because they're too easy for me. im gonna be put into the freshman IB computer class! with zoe! fun stuff. i cant wait.

-my birthday. its in 18 days. the party is 2 weeks from today. im not sure who im going to invite yet. and i feel bad when i dont invite someone and then they ask about it and stuff. i really hope my birthday is fun this year because its my 16th. and thats sorta important. or at least to me it is. i know ill have fun. my mom is letting me get my carlilage pierced! :]

so yeahh... i think a lot. thinking is fun. just lay in bed and think. i do that a lottt. anywhoo midterms start on my birthdayy! i am confident that i'll do greatt! just as long as i study and am rested. alrighty thenn byee.


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i love reading everything you have to say (: