Thursday, April 2, 2009


alrighty im gonna complain on here once more. but it will be the last complaining one for a while. ok so on March 30, i broke up with chandler. we were still perfectly fine as friends. and he has this friend desire. and she likes him. and everyone says they're gonna go out and get married. he told me he only liked her as a friend. and for the past 3 days that we've been broken up, he has told me that hes gonna stay single for a while, he doesnt like her, and that he wants me back. now let me first tell you why i broke up with him in the first place. he is a liar. he lies about everything. he'll do something stupid and then lie about it to cover his ass. but that only makes it worse. he also talks about me to his friends and my brother. what is he a 13 year old GIRL? so i told him that i would go back out with him when he changes. and he has been telling me that he is changing and whatnot. and this may be bad for me but i dont care, i went on his facebook and saw one of his conversations with this girl desire. and he said "dessssssss i like youuuuuu." so im like wtf? i thought you didnt like her? and his friend also made me think... what if it was just as a friend? i didnt think it was but i wasnt going to get mad about it. but then the next day i was talking with my friend aubrie and she is like sisters to this girl desire. and she said that she was mad at both of them too and that they are both being really shady about this. and she doesnt want desire going out with chandler because they went out before and when they broke up he went out with her best friend. hmm that sounds familiar. when me and chandler broke up the first time, he tried getting with one of my best friends too. so anyways, i told him that we can not be friends if hes going to be lying to me and he basically said he didnt care.
i was hurt. i didnt know this then, but i found out a day or so later. i didnt not want to be his friend. i was expecting an apology. i wanted him to care. and i wanted him to change so we could be together. but no. he didnt care. so i got upset. and my best friend caty sent him a message saying:
"i'm doing this for dana's sake and only her sake.
you listening?
she loves you. but she can't trust you. and all you're proving to her right now is that you don't care.
i know you're a guy and you have to act cool and act like you don't give a shit about girls, but if you REALLY care about her. you need to change that.
her whole note thing was a test. and you just saying that you weren't happy but you weren't mad like you didn't care at all wasn't what she wanted to hear.
she's unhappy, you understand? and that isn't acceptable. and if you were lying about ever being in love with her and wanting her, then tell her now so she can move on.
if you weren't and you really do care about her, fix it. stop lying, stop doing stuff that will make her unhappy, act like you care, and go to her with problems. no one else."
and guess what? no response from him whatsoever. there was no trying to fix anything, which would have been best. and there was also no telling me hes done. so this basically just showed me how much hes cared... not too much. so now we're not friends, we dont talk, and im not happy. i keep telling myself that i dont care about him, i dont care what he does in his life. but no matter how many times i tell myself that, i know if he does go out with that girl ill be jealous and hurt. hes an ass, but all guys are. and he was actually one of the nicer guys. if only he didnt lie to me. i couldnt change that about him obviously, but maybe his future girlfriends can. and if he continues this then hes not gonna be getting much girlfriends.

Forever ++ Always,


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i love reading everything you have to say (: