Thursday, April 30, 2009

creepy guys on the streets.

we all walk down the street sometimes. and when we do we like to feel safe. i know i do. so doesnt it make you feel unsafe when theres some guy making kissy faces at you and talking to you? that kinda creeps me out. so i was at my step sisters softball game last week. it was going great. but then some guy rolls up in his car and say "aye" and makes a kissy face at the girls on the team. im thinking in my head thats disgusting. dont people have anything better to do then go and do something to make young girls feel awkward. and the other day i was on my bus and this guy comes and punches the window at me and stuff. when i walk i like there to be nobody around. and if there is somebody id like it so be somebody with a small child or an animal. that was i think they wont do anything because they have that with them. nothing has actually happened to me yet but you never know when someone is going to do something to you. i was walking with caty and jessica over the summer and we walk past this guy and me and caty see right then that he has a knife in his hand. i was so scared. but i kept walking anyways. he could have easily just stabbed any of us. and me and brittany were walking and there was this guy who kinda looked like a cracked out hobo, not good. they will do anything to get things they need. they are crazy! so i was like "ahh dont ask him where to go!" and then there was a lady sitting by a tree playing with her dog. so i went to her instead. she looked safe. she looked approchable.
but why do guys have to do that? is it fun to be stupid? it bugs me. whatevs.

Forever ++ Always,


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i love reading everything you have to say (: