Monday, April 6, 2009

womens pain continued...

remember that post on womens pain i did? well i found a few more things to add to that list. not really pain, but work that we have to do that guys dont. ok so we, humans, have hair on us. not just head hair. we have hair like everywhere! guys dont need to worry about that much. maybe a little but not too much. for a guy to have hairy armpits and legs and stuff is normal... for girls, its disturbing? but we grow it there anyways! so we have to shave. it gets very annoying especially when you have to do it multiple times a month. this is also taking a risk of cutting ourselves! which if we do in the wrong places will hurt! actually, it will probably hurt anywhere. its a cut! anywho, we also have head hair. yes, lots of guys have long hair and stuff too, but they really dont do anything with it. and then a lot have short hair where they dont need to do anything with it. most of us girls have enough hair where we need to do something to it in order for it to look good... that could take forever!
we have all the pain of guys and MORE! and it sucks. but its all worth it cuz... at the end of the day im pretty sure we like being girls. well... most of us any ways. and plus we have boobies :]

Forever ++ Always,


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i love reading everything you have to say (: