Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

today is valentines day! on this day every year there are the people who have boyfriends and girlfriends who are all happy and cute and whatnot. and then there are those people that are single and make this day suck. i dont get it. why cant you just be happy? why cant you just go out and have fun with your friends instead of your boyfriend or girlfriend? i've been single pretty much every valentines day of my life, including this year. but im happy! i love seeing all the cute things boys do for their girlfriends. i love seeing people happy.
today is also my mom and step dads one year anniversary. its not a very happy day for them though. they dont love eachother. its quite sad. they argue about everything and anything. its like non stop grrr rawrrr! they dont get a long, like ever! and as much as i dont want to see my mom getting divorced again, i dont want to see her with someone who doesnt make her happy. she can be happy by herself. he only makes her angry. and if he left, she wouldnt care. and i kno this for a fact.
but anywho... on a happier matter... what are all your plans for valentines day? :]

1 comment:

  1. well MYYY valentines day was lovely. III got a singing dolphin. and MYYY boyfriend gave me klondike bars.
    :D which IIII shared with YOUUU


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