Wednesday, May 19, 2010

little letters.

dear hair,
i loooove you! you have been the best hair ever for the past few days now. i've realized that if i take a shower the night before and put you in 2 french braids overnight and then straighten you in the morning, you will look really good! :]

dear spanish orals,
you are tomorrow! ahhh. im a little nervous but i dont think i really have a reason to be because i always get all the points! i will study a little bit tonight though because i've realized: studying does help.

dear non-existent job,
i want you to be existing! i want to work and get money so i can go out and do fun things on a regular basis! not once every few months. grrr. i applied to 6 places and no calls :[ booo.

Friday, May 14, 2010

things i love thursday! (on friday)

im late on this againnn! but yesterday i really didnt do anything. after school i basically just went to sleep and didnt wake up until this morning! so anywho heres my things i love thursday, friday edition.

  • french manicures. i did my own and melissas as well! and even though i did them myself, they look pretty good.
  • tacos! i've been eating them for 5 days straight now. you see, we had them for dindin on sunday but nobody was home to eat any. so we had tons of leftovers and im the only one in the house who eats leftover tacos. so they've lasted me this week and there is still some left!
  • mr.sniffles. this is aarons new name. he told me that last year his friends called him "sniffles" because he came in sick and kept sniffling. so i laughed and thought the name suited him so i started calling him mr.sniffles.
  • my programming teacher. me and veronica have been going to his class for lunch for the past 3 days now. we get uber bored in lunch and its less boring in his room. and he's funny!
  • being "vocalists" me, veronica, and asha were in band and we were about to play starwars (its one of the songs we're gonna play in the concert) and we were like going "doo doodoo doo doo doo doodoodoo doo doo doo doo doodoodoo doo doo doo doodoo doo doodoo" ya know? and we went through the whole song doing that but how our parts sound and it was sooo cool! haha we recorded it too!

haha alrighty sooo yeahh. so this weekend the only thing i have planned is jessicas birthday partyy. so yeahhh. have a nice life! :]


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

so last night i found a bunch of arts and crafts type stuff in my house so i took it all upstairs and i wanted to make something. i knew mothers day was tomorrow so i was gonna make something for my mommy.  have an origami kit and i know she likes flowers so i made 4 of them. i didnt know what to do with them so i just started doing more stuff and i ended up making this lovely picture thingy for my mommy ^^. i put it on the fridge last night after she went to bed and she saw it in the morning and wrote a little note saying she loved it! im so creative :]
i hope all you mothers out there are having a lovely mothers day! 


Friday, May 7, 2010

things i love thursday ((on fridayy))

  • rainnnn!
  • ninaa :]
  • hanging out with my buddies.
  • only having one more marking period of the yearr.
  • being funnnny!
  • not being shy in front of people.
  • being pressed by little freshies.
  • being mature and not letting that get to me.
  • my programming teacher rambling to us about phones hahah.
  • my hannah montana pillow!
blahhh i dont have much to say this weeek. goodbyeee :]


Sunday, May 2, 2010

little letters.

dear boyfriend,
you are amazing. you make me oh so very happy and im glad i have you. we havent even been together for a week yet... but i like you a lottt.

dear self,
you're fat. you need to do something about that. and you will. starting today. find the self control to not eat junk food and not sit at home all day.

dear warm weather,
you're here! today its actually hot outside! i walked outside wearing shorts and a tank top and i was still hot! now thats what i call good weather.

dear money,
i want to take you and spend you! i want to go out with my friends and have a good time! and go shopping! but no. i need to save you. for bigger and better things.

dear blog,
i love you. you are a place i can just write about everything and anything. i can be happy or sad or anything else on here. so thank you for being here :]


Happy Birthday Caty!

its your 16th so you better have fun today! you are my bestie and i hump you more than the anything and everything! yeah we get into fights a lot and we stop being friends, but we always come back! we have so many fun memories. like eating tuna, playing gta, staying up alllll night, new years (3 in a row), mallin, stalking cute boys, our bff blog, fun guy... fungi hehe, our awesome aim conversations about everything, and many more. we are true besties and ill hump you forever! so i hope your birthday is everything you wanted it to be and more :]


Saturday, May 1, 2010

oh look, its may!

for some reason when i saw that today was may, i got happy! maybe because may means nice warm weather. it means the end of the school year is near. it means flowers and swimming and friends and memories. it means a lot of things and im glad its here. there are a ton of birthdays in may and the first is catys, tomorrow and the last is my daddys, on the 31st. so ill be doing lots of "happy birthday" posts! well at least 4. :] have a lovely may!
