Sunday, January 31, 2010

be yourself.

i love being random. random weird. thats the way to live. dont be afraid of what other people will think. if you're having fun thats all that matters. live life the way you want to. be your own person. you think someone who is wearing leggings as pants looks cool? well go out and wear some leggings as pants but make it cooler! jazz it up a bit. be creative! anyone who has ever loved you will still love you even if you look different. different is good. its boring to be the same all the time. im not saying change yourself completely, just a little something every now and then. yes there are even some people that i think are weird. but i respect them because they arent afraid to be how they want. im happy and felt like posting something to makes others happy. did it work? anywhoo... january 2010 is overrrrrrrrr! :[ welcome february :]


the picture is of my friend elle.

little letters

dear january,
today is your last day of this year. you will be missed. you were a lot of fun this year. you brought me tears and laughter and butterflies in my tummy. and you also brought me the most amazing birthday ever. thank you.

dear daddy,
why are you so corny? you're soo lame haha. but i love you. and you know i do.

dear sun,
im glad you're out! i love you soo much. you make this cold weather seem so much nicer!

dear nose,
please stop being stuffy. you've been this way for so long and its not very fun. i want to be able to breath without going *sniffff* every 5 minutes.

dear maggie,
stop rolling around all over the computer desk. you are an adorable kitty that i love but it really is hard to type while your butt is on the keyboard.

Friday, January 29, 2010

WINTER: pros and cons

im in the mood for blogging today :] so anywho im going to make a pros and cons list about winter!

  • you can stay inside!
  • you can drink hot cocoa whenever you want! even with marshmallows.
  • you can build a snowman and/or go sledding!
  • you can have cozy time.
  • you can wear warm pajamas all day long.
  • you can make an igloo and campout in it!
  •  you can play with penguins and polar bears (:
  • its freezing like all the time.
  • you must always wear layers.
  • its always cold. 
  • its hard to walk and drive because of the wind, snow, and ice.
  • its always cold. 
  • giant icicles can fall on your head and kill you
  • its always cold. :] 

little letters.

i got the idea to do this from the rockstar diaries and my bestie caty. so here ya go.

dear fourteen year old boy,
why do i like you? you are so little, but so cute and sweet and funny.

dear besties,
you are my besties. i will love you guys forever. we are sooo funny and we have the best times together!

dear midterms,
im very happy you are over with. i dont really like you. no offense :]

dear new clothes,
you are so cute! i cant wait till spring when i can actually wear most of you. people will be jealous.

dear wind and snow,
please go away and never return. you make me cold and sad. i like the sun better.

happy birthday marcus!

um... i dont even know marcus anymore but i was in fifth and sixth grade with him. i remember his birthday because its 3 days after mine. anywho today he is sixeeeen! i had the hugest crush on him for those two years. yeahh. so um happy birthday marcus! as if you'd ever see this. bye :]


things i love thursday! (on friday)

  • being sixteen!
  • going shopping
  • being pretty (:
  • having bestie time
  • flirting 
  • crushes
  • going for walks
  • being funny
  • bo burnham
  • cute clothes
  • cute texts
  • being done with midterms
  • having money
  • spending money
  • playing with matt :p
  • getting presents
  • sleeping in
  • "what can you buy here for a quarter?" "yo mama" haha :]
  • nina <3
  • yo mama <3

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


"To me, fearless is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, fearless is having fear. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Fearless is falling madly in love again, even though you've been hurt before. Fearless is walking into your freshman year of high school at fifteen. Fearless is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again... even though every time you've tried before, you've lost. It's fearless to have faith that someday things will change. Fearless is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can't breathe without them. I think it's fearless to fall for your best friend, even though he's in love with someone else. And when someone apologizes to you enough times for the things they'll never stop doing, I think it's fearless to stop believing them. It's fearless to say 'you're NOT sorry,' and walk away. I think loving someone despite what people think is fearless. I think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is fearless. Letting go is fearless. Then, moving on and being alright... that's fearless too. But no matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it. You have to believe in love stories and prince charmings and happily ever after. I think love is fearless."
-Taylor Swift

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

happy birthday to ME!

oh what a lovely day. today was such an amazing day. it is January 26, 2010 aka my sixteenth birthday. i had two midterms today and had to write 4 essays but you know, it was all worth it. i had fun in my 2 hour break in between tests. and while i was walking to my bus 2 of my favorite freshies got off their bus to hug me and say happy birthday. then i got on my bus and the rest of my favorite freshies were all "HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!" and they started tickling me. haha fun stuff. oh how i love my freshies. so anywho i am going to the mall with my mommy in a little bit and theres a possibility that ill spend all of my money... all $174 of it. but whatevs. its my birthday, i can do what i want.
so how is your day going?

Monday, January 25, 2010

so i took some asprin this morning and my ear didnt hurt like at all. it must have worn off because it hurts now. just like how it was the first night when its not a bad pain, but its still a pain. i still have the safety pin in and zoe is going to switch it tonight into an earring. everyone at school says its going to get infected. i really hope it doesnt. im nervous to have zoe switch it out and put an earring in because i think her trying to get the earring in will hurt. i guess ill just have to deal with it. if worst come to worst ill just have to take it all out and let it close up. mi going to take some asprin when i get home and put alcohol on it and then a little later ill have zoe switch it. wish me luck.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh shizzle! Im awesome. Just thought you all should know :)

safety pin fun

this may look like a normal ear to you... but its not! well, it is but its special. would you like to know why? because it is my ear. and last night while me and zoe were at zoes grandrents house, she pierced my cartilage... with a safety pin! i was soo nervous but she convinced me to do it. i was listening to her ipod and we had to be quit because it was like 11pm. i was whispering "omggg. is it in yet? is it in yet?" haha and then it was finally over and i was like "omgg you just pierced my ear!" hahah. it really only hurt a little bit! i was amazed at how much it didnt hurt. but after it was all done it still hurt a little. and in the morning zoe said we had to keep moving it so it loosens up a bit. so she moved it. and that hurt like a biznitch! but like a minute after she stopped it was back to its little bit of pain there was before. and right now, less than 24 hours later, it doesnt hurt at all. like if i hit it or move it its gonna hurt. but it just being there i dont even notice. but i have to move it again soon and im afraid of doing it >.< oh well. i have to do it or else it will like close on the safety pin. yeah the safety pin is still in my ear. zoes gonna take it out and put an earring in tomorrow before dinner. i bet thats gonna hurt.
anywho, tomorrow my daddy is taking me and zoe out to dindin for my birthday which is on tuesday :]. the sad part about my birthday being on tuesday is that i have 2 midterms and have to write a total of 4, maybe 5 essays. that will not be fun. but ill be sixteen! and im gonna get my permit and try to get a job. which will be great! so i've got a fun couple of days coming up!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

fun stuff

so last night was my 16th birthday party. i dont know what everybody else thought of it but i had fun! 11 out of 12 people came so thats good. we ate pizza and just like hung out for a bit. then when everyone was there we went bowling! bowling was really fun. it always is. we were dancing and screaming and being retards. me and caty went into the bathroom and were jumping between the two different mirrors saying "im big! im little! im big! im little!" haha it was funn. then we came back to my house and everyone was playing with the balloons and popping them and everything. then some people went home and everyone was like dead tired. then zoe slept over and now we're hanging out with william because erics not here at the moment lol. i also have a cold. which sucksss. and my birthday is in 3 days :] so anywho how are you doing?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

things i love thursday

  • french manicures
  • tacos
  • working out in a gym!
  • soft, clean, good-smelling hair
  • nina <3
  • sleeping in
  • my birthday party tomorrow
  • my birthday in 5 days
  • money; shopping with that money
  • my amazingly funny guy friends that i totally cant not smile at
  • nice, sunny, warm-for-winter weather
  • cookie cake
  • chocolate cake
  • going out to dindin
  • having a clean bedroom ((which mine is not >.<))
  • tomorrow being friday!
  • spending bestie time with zoe
  • starbucks
  • cute shirts
  • home made skirts with butterflies :]
i love soo many things! haha anywho i hope you're all having a wonderful day! :]


Sunday, January 17, 2010

"its 2am, feelin like i just lost a friend. i hope you know its not easy, easy for me."

so its about 3 in the morning and im not sleeping. why? im not exactly sure. im up talking to a thirteen year old boy on facebook. he is very amusing right now haha. and i have nothing better to do right now so i thought id write to you. see that picture up there^^?? i took that! i was on a boat. aint it great?

so i was looking throught my yahoo and found an old conversation that me and caty had. it was about flirting and how we forgot how to do it. it was very funny. it was from almost 2 years ago. i was in the eighth grade.oh i was such an adorable little child. now im all grown up-ish!

i will be sixteen in nine days! oh boy oh boy! i cant wait! and im having the best sweet 16 party ever! no im not having one of those big fancy parties you see on tv... this is even better! we're going bowling!! lmao yeah and we're gonna chill at my house. and i mean comon what could be more fun then that!?

im very jumpidy and fidgety right now. probably because its 3 in the morning. i get like this when i dont sleep for like ever. i think i should go to sleep soon. its just so much fun to stay up late! oh and i dont have school on monday so its not like i losing sleep for school or anything. if that even makes sense haha.

okk well i hope you all had a nice sleep! i think i may get some shut eye. ill be sure to post like... idk some day this week. hah. wow i just realized how much "i hope you all had a nice sleep" doesnt make sense. or does it? hmm maybe im just going crazy right now from lack of sleep. ok goodnight lovers <3


Friday, January 15, 2010


today, lunch was horrible. it started off fine but then khang came over and said, "move or ill spill this soup on you." nice right? so i moved over so he could sit down. then i asked if i could have one of his animal crackers and he said no but i reached for one anyways. he wouldnt let me have one. he hit me. so i hit him back. e hit me like 3 times and in my boob :[ so it hurt. and he was like, "i will really hit you!" so i just got pissed. and chandler just sat there watching. he loves me sooo much but hes gonna sit there and watch khang hit me. i was mad so i almost started crying and to prevent people from seeing i covered my face and put my head down. then chandler started like playing "footsies" with me and it was annoying so i kicked him. then khang punched my thigh and was all "dude when you hit her thigh it jiggles." and DJs responce was "well yeah look how big it is." so i was like wow fuck you guys. so i was just pissed.

also yesterday i was looking at my old facebook that i dont go on anymore. i was reading all of my statuses from september 2008. i was soo happy. and the way i talked was childish. not like immature childish but adorable childish. and when i compare that to how i am now, i've changed a lot. i've grown up. but with this growing up i've gotten less happy. i remember almost exactly a year ago i was sitting on the floor in my room, it was freshly painted and clean and it was just amazing. i was on the phone with chandler because we were dating then and i just remember i kept saying "i am so happy" over and over again. and i was smiling. i was soo happy that day and i just wish i could go back and be that happy again.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Things i love thursday!

today is thursday! so im gonna to do a things i love thursday!

  • my hair
  • ohana punch
  • not going to band
  • cute coats
  • shopping
  • my birthday being in 12 days :D
  • nina <3
  • cute outfits
  • saying "shizzlenits" and having seniors look at you werid.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


so i think i kinda fail. wanna know why? of course youd do! i thought it was thursday. i was about to post a "things i love thursday" and then i was like wait! its wednesday!

haha so anywho... the other day i totally cried my eyes out. why you might ask? because. i was told by one of my bestfriends that not a lot of people like me. i went home and thought about it and decided it was true. i know i have friends and stuff but i thought a lot more people didnt like me than did. i was thinking about how lauren is always ignoring me for eric and she doesnt like me as much. i was thinking about melissa and how she doesnt like me but wont admit it. i was thinking about how all of zoes friends dont like me... but they dont even know me. and i cried.

but do you know what i just realized right now while writing this? for every 10,000 people that love me there are 10,000 people that hate me. theres always going to be those certain someones who just cant stand me but theres also people who love me. and i dont like some people too. people are not perfect and sometimes you just cant like the people that have flaws that you cant stand. and thats ok. so now i feel much better from the other night.

also i forgot to make a post on this. monday january, 11 was zoes 15th birthday! she is one of my besties and i love her to dealth. me and her and her family went out to dindin at some japanese place and i had fried ice cream :] it was sooo yummy! i didnt really like the main food because it was basically all seafood and im not a big fan of seafood. but i still had fun! :D


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


so i've been thinking a lot lately. some things are important. other things are just silly things i think up. so im gonna share with you some of my thoughts.

-chandler. he has always been on my mind, obviously, but i've been thinking about him more. we've been a couple 8 times over the past year ish. every single time it has ended. so i told him i think we should just be friends... forever. the good thing about this is that i wont get annoyed at him much and i wont be committed to him. the bad thing is that if he goes and gets another girlfriend i will be jealous. i know that i shouldnt because im the one who ended it, but i just love him.

-my rents. my mom and my step dad to be more specific. they just got married last year on valentines day. not even a year yet. they fight non stop all the time. also my step dad does not like me or my brother. but he loves his daughter sooo much. because of course shes a perfect little princess. shes totally not and even the things she does wrong we get blamed for. im not sure if my mom will stay with him much longer. hes a jerk and hes stupid. i dont want to see my mom have another failed marriage but she might just have to.

-my friends. which are real and which arent. which are good, nice friends and which are just jerks. everyone has their jerky moments but being mean like all the time? im kinda sensitive and i dont like being made fun of all the time. i mean i understand a joke every now and then but 24/7? no. i only have a few really good friends that i know are real. and they're the ones i love.

-school. i was worried about chemistry because i was failing but guess what!? i just found out that i have an A+ in that class now! isnt that great!? also i have an A+ in my computer class and my math class too. im getting both of those classes switched right after midterms though because they're too easy for me. im gonna be put into the freshman IB computer class! with zoe! fun stuff. i cant wait.

-my birthday. its in 18 days. the party is 2 weeks from today. im not sure who im going to invite yet. and i feel bad when i dont invite someone and then they ask about it and stuff. i really hope my birthday is fun this year because its my 16th. and thats sorta important. or at least to me it is. i know ill have fun. my mom is letting me get my carlilage pierced! :]

so yeahh... i think a lot. thinking is fun. just lay in bed and think. i do that a lottt. anywhoo midterms start on my birthdayy! i am confident that i'll do greatt! just as long as i study and am rested. alrighty thenn byee.


Monday, January 4, 2010

monday monday monday.

i feel awful for not writing in forever! christmas was great! i got a ton of stuff and i loved it. my new year was also great! i spent some time with my friendsss! my break is over and i am now in school. i only have 8 minutes to write this whole thing so it probably wont be that long or that great.
my birthday is coming up! im going to be sixteen on january 26! im so excited. once im 16 i plan on getting my permit and a job. i could use the money and then i could save a bunch of it too. so then later on i could get my license and possibly a car. i doubt ill do that anytime soon though.
i want to get a job at like a clothing store or something. something cool. or something like petsmart or something. idk. my last choice is like taco bell or McDonalds. i dont want to work at a fast food place but its probably were ill end up for now. either way ill be happy because ill be getting money. which is a step up from my brother. he is all "oh but im gonna be making more money then you" but its whatever because he didnt have a job when he was 16. hes 18 so hes supposed to make more money than me.
this is longer than i expected it to be. and i still have a few minutes left. but i think im done for now. i had a long break of hanging out with friends and shopping and stuff. nothing too exciting. so yeah... i would ask how was your break, but the only person who reads this is caty. and i already know how her break was. alrighty thenn. byee.

xo dana