Monday, February 6, 2012


sooo ive got a new job at dunkin donuts! (: my first day is today! im excited about that and also kinda nervous as anyone would be. im eighteen now and i have my road test on wednesday which is also exciting and nerve recking at the same time. i cant wait though. i wanna save up to get a car and then ill have soo much freedom its crazy!
weeeeelllll i dont really have much else to say on here. aaron and i are doing great. going on 9 months now. pretty awesome (: i love him with all my heart. graduation is in june and im really excited and nervous about that too! hmm... i should just make a list of things that im excited and nervous about at the same time haha. there are soo many things. college in the fall. going on to new things. life is definitely going somewhere now.
soooo i hope you are all have lovely lives just as i am (:
