sorry i have been neglecting you but im here now (: im just here to share with you some new year resolutions of mine! so here we go..:
- lose at least 30 pounds. and im actually hoping to do this by the end of july but if that doesnt work then at least by the end of the year. and im gonna stick to it! no more
eating taco bell and drinking soda and whatnot. its bad! im also gonna try to do some yoga that i learned in gym class! which brings me to my next thing...
- participate in gym class every time i have it unless im like really not feeling good or have a good excuse. gym is good for you and even fun if you actually do something! also with the teacher i have right now its impossible to pass unless you do participate! whichhhh brings me to my next thingg...
- do my homework on a regular basis! this is one thing that i have like never done and it kills my grades! i could have had an A+ in math this marking period but i got a C because i didnt do any homework. i like As not
Cs! so doing homework would be a really good thing for me to do. especially sense im in my junior year and colleges look at these gradess.
nothing really leeds up to my next one but here it isss:
- be happier and friendlier! i know you're probably thinking how the hell is that possible? but i think it is! like i wanna be the type of person that smiles at strangers and gives out random compliments and makes peoples days! i noticed recently that i love making people happy! so i wanna do thatt (:
so those are a few things that i want to do this year! im confident that 2011 will be a great year as was 2010. im ready for the switch whenever you are (: