ready for some dramaaa? i havent had any in a while so this is differentt. sooo zoe is turning into the type of person i dont really wanna be around. smoking weed, cheating on her boyfriend etc. soo i was trying to find a way to talk to her about all of this. it didnt really work and my feelings sort of just came out in a sentence that wasnt very nice. heres the story:
aaron was going to come over to my house so we could hang out and she was all "woahh whys aaron going to your house?!" sooo i said "well i can actually hang out with a guy without making out with him unlike you." anddd she got kinda madd. also on the bus one day i said something about her being a bad girlfriend when she wasnt on the bus. sooo yeah we're in a fight right now.
i texted her the other day while we were right next to each other because we werent talking and she said she was mad because i "called her a whore and said she was cheating." and i never called her a whore although i was thinking it and i did say she cheated... buttttt she did! so anywho we had this long argument through texting and stuff and i thought nothing of it. i thought okay i was wrong to say that and i did apologize either we'll get over it or we just wont be friends and that might be okay because of how shes acting. so we just havent talked in the past 2 days. i didnt talk about her unless i was just explaining why we werent talking and id say "i said something not very nice and she got mad so we argued and now we arent talking" i said nothing else to make it seem like shes a bad person or anything. i thought she was doing the same. being mature about it. evidently i was wrong. i looked at her facebook today and found a status of her saying "'yeah so just kill so-and-so, have a party and just be 15. dont care about anything.' - the wise and fabulous amanda <3 ;)" sooo im assuming the "so-and-so" is me. andd this is one quote that amanda said that makes me think less of her as a person. umm hello just because you're 15 means you can do whatever the hell you want and not care about anything? okay you go ahead and do that, and i'll do it my way. we'll see who ends up in a better place. i have a feeling it wont be the one who doesnt care about anything. anywho i also saw one of zoes friends statuses and it said "Hi Zoe ..iKno Yu See This Status Lol'zz