Thursday, April 30, 2009

creepy guys on the streets.

we all walk down the street sometimes. and when we do we like to feel safe. i know i do. so doesnt it make you feel unsafe when theres some guy making kissy faces at you and talking to you? that kinda creeps me out. so i was at my step sisters softball game last week. it was going great. but then some guy rolls up in his car and say "aye" and makes a kissy face at the girls on the team. im thinking in my head thats disgusting. dont people have anything better to do then go and do something to make young girls feel awkward. and the other day i was on my bus and this guy comes and punches the window at me and stuff. when i walk i like there to be nobody around. and if there is somebody id like it so be somebody with a small child or an animal. that was i think they wont do anything because they have that with them. nothing has actually happened to me yet but you never know when someone is going to do something to you. i was walking with caty and jessica over the summer and we walk past this guy and me and caty see right then that he has a knife in his hand. i was so scared. but i kept walking anyways. he could have easily just stabbed any of us. and me and brittany were walking and there was this guy who kinda looked like a cracked out hobo, not good. they will do anything to get things they need. they are crazy! so i was like "ahh dont ask him where to go!" and then there was a lady sitting by a tree playing with her dog. so i went to her instead. she looked safe. she looked approchable.
but why do guys have to do that? is it fun to be stupid? it bugs me. whatevs.

Forever ++ Always,


things i love thursday.

im always forgetting about these. i just got reminded by reading catys blog! thanks caty!

  • softball games.
  • not failing classes.
  • beasting at DDR in gym.
  • messing up on solos >.<.
  • greg.
  • tony.
  • bestie birthdays.
  • may tomorrow.
  • rain showers.
  • beating eric in rockband.
  • grilled cheese.
  • nina being nice.
  • no 8th graders in band.
  • being creepy.
  • being on a boat lmfao.
  • getting new stuff. who doesnt like that?

Forever ++ Always,


Friday, April 24, 2009


wow! look outside! its beautiful outside! 71 degrees or so! amazing. we havnt had weather like this in forever! so dont you all just wanna go outside and do something!? well i do... but oh wait... i cant. first of all im grounded still, so i cant go anywhere besides my own yard. but you're right. i can still go outside and just stay in my yard! but ya know its really boring to just go outside by yourself and do nothing. yeah i could go out and enjoy the warmness... but what fun will i be having? theres no one to talk to. no one to hang out with. no one to do anything with. and theres nothing to do by myself. so im suck here inside on such a beautiful day. thats why im hoping my dad will let caty sleep over tomorrow night. because at his house i can be outside and theres no bad stuff going on. no shooting or anything. not that there is any where i am now. but theres more of a chance of it happening here then there. and we would have so much fun. he could take us to a park or something. or have a picnic! there are soo many choices i could make with a friend and a nice day. but not today :[ oh well. this is what i get for skipping school and getting grounded. although it was sych a nice day out when i skipped it was amazing! and there was friends. 4 of us! so it was worth it i guess.

Forever ++ Always,


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

greg the dinosaur!

kids and people in general should be more creative these is stupid and boring if you dont have an imagination. and to have an imagination you must be creative. people just go by what they learn but never what they think it could be. i am very imaginative and creative. i remember once me and caty were just going crazy being imaginative. we pretended like i was some creepy mental animal thing trying to run away from her, and she was all "its ok the nice men with the big nets will come." we did that for about 20 minutes... and it was so random! it may seem stupid or immature but theres a difference between being creative and being immature. being immature is just when you do stuff all the time like this. like you dont know what else to do. being creative is doing it when you want to. you can stop at any time and control when you do stuff. you know when to and when not to. so anyways... i cant draw for shiznits. but i do anyways because i like being creative and having fun! so im pretty sure you all know what dinosaurs look like rightt? or at least what you've been taught. well i cant draw a dinosaur and one day i wanted to draw one. so i made one that... doesnt even look like a dinosaur. but it does to me now since i've drawn it so many times. i think its really cool. a bunch of people say its ugly and all this stuff but its really funny. i made a comic book with him as the main character. its a stupid story yeah but it was fun to make and im sure people had fun reading it since they all laughed. hmm i wasnt sure what the point of this blog post was at first but i think i got it now. it doesnt matter what people think of you. theres gonna be a lot of people in life that just sit there and insult you for whatever you may be doing. thats their problem not yours. if you believe in something or do something that makes you happy then you should continue doing it to keep yourself happy. like my dinosaur. a lot of people in my school say ew ots ugly. why do you draw it? its not a dinosaur so why bother drawing it? well i think its cool and hes like my little friend hahaha. so i dont care what people say. it makes me happy so im gonna keep drawing him. ((b-t-dubbs his name is greg)) so once again... part of this blog was pointless... until i figured out what im trying to say. and i think this was a good thing to say. dont stop doing something just because other people want you to. do whatever makes you happy. because thats whats most important in life. so you wanna see what greg looks like? ok this is a little bad because i did it on paint and normally i just draw him on lined paper and dont color him in. but i was bored and added color. so picture him without color. and hes very pretty! (: but this is basically what i draw on the board everyday.

Forever ++ Always,


just an update.

i've been meaning to post a blog, but never actually got to it. so this one is to just tell you guys whats going on in my life right about helping caty with some personal stuff. i think it made us closer as friends. me and chandler started going back out tonight. and i realized that who cares what people think about us going out again? its not their business. its not like they are involved in our relationship. so im going to do what makes me happy which right now is going out with chandler. its spring break and im grounded from hanging out with anyone. this is because on friday i skipped school with caty and a few others. i was stupid and wrote it in my diary and so eric read and saw it. he then told my mom and so now im grounded from friends for the week. sucks i know but it was worth it. hmm what else? not much. ok i guess thats all for now. ill keep informing you on new stuff all the time!

Forever ++ Always,


Thursday, April 16, 2009

things i love thursday

ok so caty started doing this thing that she saw in another blog and i think im gonna do it too!
its a little thing im gonna call letter of the week!
every friday im gonna take the next letter in the alphabet and write a blog on a word that starts with that letter! im also taking this from caty cuz she probably will get bored of hers and never finish it :p
but anyways that starts friday! today im posting a blog called things i love thursday! which i also took from caty but it was a while ago and on myspace. so im starting it up again! so here ya go!
  • skipping school.
  • dinosawrs.
  • showers.
  • smooth legs.
  • DDR.
  • nina.
  • music.
  • talking during class.
  • code names.
  • making fun of brandon.
  • walking.
  • nice weather.
  • rockband.
  • fun times with my sister
  • b.frankie <3
  • catizzle!
  • jesherpie.
  • that awesome dude at my school..
  • earrings.
  • tacos.
  • spaghetti.
yeah thats pretty much it for now. oh and b-t-dubbs nina is probably gonna be on it every time :] i just love her oh so muchh! kpeace!

Forever ++ Always,


Thursday, April 9, 2009

10th grade. all planned out.

i've planned out next year already! well for the most part. it kinda starts this summer though, with volleyball! yes i am getting back into sports like i was in 7th grade! so volleyball starts sometime in august. and caty is doing it with me. hopefully we wont get cut from the team for being obnoxious... or for just sucking. i think that'll be lots of fun. also we'll both be going to a new school! well, not a new school for me, but a new building. so we'll both be surprised! and we can have like a bazillion sleep overs and then we can just walk to school from her house or take the bus from mine! it'll be uber fun.
i'll be with a bunch of old and new friends. there will be no uniform! that'll be nice, i've been wearing one for three years now. and there will be some new kids too, there always is, so i might meet some cute guys! even if i dont im hoping to mature a bit more. over this past year ive been hanging out with people younger then me aka less mature. just because they are younger doesnt make them less mature, but trust me, they are. so this school is gonna have a lot of older then me kids. so im hoping ill get on track with people of my maturity level or higher.
i know im not gonna like a bunch of people in school, but hey it'll be like that anywhere i go, might as well do it somewhere where i at least know the people. i might be able to go to prom, if i can get someone... anyone a grade higher then me to ask me. if not ill just have to wait one more'll be fun either way.
for most of my life ive had a best friend in school to depend on. and ive noticed this. kindergarten-3rd i had a bestie so i was all popular cuz i was always around her. then in 4th grade i was in a different class then her so i was kinda a loner. i made my life about my grades. i was the smartest kid in my class and nobody really liked me because of it. 5th and 6th i had a couple of besties. and they made me cool because i came into a new school. then 7th and 8th i had another bestie. she was very popular, therefore i was too. and then 9th grade comes along... no bestie. the only friends i had were younger then me or just not too good of friends. i learned how to be my own person and guess what? people liked me! i have almost all of the 9th grade as friends and over half the 8th graders and even a few 7th graders! so i learned that you dont need a bestie in school with you, but it is nice. and next year ill have my bestie caty with me. but shes quiet around people too. but i wont need to rely on her to have a social life. ill probably help her get one.
anywho... next year shall be oodles of fun!!

Forever ++ Always,


Monday, April 6, 2009

womens pain continued...

remember that post on womens pain i did? well i found a few more things to add to that list. not really pain, but work that we have to do that guys dont. ok so we, humans, have hair on us. not just head hair. we have hair like everywhere! guys dont need to worry about that much. maybe a little but not too much. for a guy to have hairy armpits and legs and stuff is normal... for girls, its disturbing? but we grow it there anyways! so we have to shave. it gets very annoying especially when you have to do it multiple times a month. this is also taking a risk of cutting ourselves! which if we do in the wrong places will hurt! actually, it will probably hurt anywhere. its a cut! anywho, we also have head hair. yes, lots of guys have long hair and stuff too, but they really dont do anything with it. and then a lot have short hair where they dont need to do anything with it. most of us girls have enough hair where we need to do something to it in order for it to look good... that could take forever!
we have all the pain of guys and MORE! and it sucks. but its all worth it cuz... at the end of the day im pretty sure we like being girls. well... most of us any ways. and plus we have boobies :]

Forever ++ Always,


Sunday, April 5, 2009


i so badly want to go to prom! too bad im only a freshman :[. and i dont really have any junior/senior friends that would take me haha. but caty is going! she already has her dress and everything! she looks absolutely gorgeous in it! its a cute short black dress. i personally like long ones. to the floor. and for my senior prom im wearing a long pink dress! i have no clue what its going to look like though. i saw a few that i liked in the mall... but im pretty sure they wont be there in 3 years. so heres a few i think are cute!

i know they all look really similar but this is kinda what i want. i would like darker, like the third one. but i dont want it to be too poofy. the first two are a little less poofy lol. arent they cute though?! i love them! but there was this one that i saw in the mall and it was pink with polka dots on it and stuff. it was soo cute! and once again, too bad i cant go for another year and a half ishh.

Forever ++ Always,


Thursday, April 2, 2009


alrighty im gonna complain on here once more. but it will be the last complaining one for a while. ok so on March 30, i broke up with chandler. we were still perfectly fine as friends. and he has this friend desire. and she likes him. and everyone says they're gonna go out and get married. he told me he only liked her as a friend. and for the past 3 days that we've been broken up, he has told me that hes gonna stay single for a while, he doesnt like her, and that he wants me back. now let me first tell you why i broke up with him in the first place. he is a liar. he lies about everything. he'll do something stupid and then lie about it to cover his ass. but that only makes it worse. he also talks about me to his friends and my brother. what is he a 13 year old GIRL? so i told him that i would go back out with him when he changes. and he has been telling me that he is changing and whatnot. and this may be bad for me but i dont care, i went on his facebook and saw one of his conversations with this girl desire. and he said "dessssssss i like youuuuuu." so im like wtf? i thought you didnt like her? and his friend also made me think... what if it was just as a friend? i didnt think it was but i wasnt going to get mad about it. but then the next day i was talking with my friend aubrie and she is like sisters to this girl desire. and she said that she was mad at both of them too and that they are both being really shady about this. and she doesnt want desire going out with chandler because they went out before and when they broke up he went out with her best friend. hmm that sounds familiar. when me and chandler broke up the first time, he tried getting with one of my best friends too. so anyways, i told him that we can not be friends if hes going to be lying to me and he basically said he didnt care.
i was hurt. i didnt know this then, but i found out a day or so later. i didnt not want to be his friend. i was expecting an apology. i wanted him to care. and i wanted him to change so we could be together. but no. he didnt care. so i got upset. and my best friend caty sent him a message saying:
"i'm doing this for dana's sake and only her sake.
you listening?
she loves you. but she can't trust you. and all you're proving to her right now is that you don't care.
i know you're a guy and you have to act cool and act like you don't give a shit about girls, but if you REALLY care about her. you need to change that.
her whole note thing was a test. and you just saying that you weren't happy but you weren't mad like you didn't care at all wasn't what she wanted to hear.
she's unhappy, you understand? and that isn't acceptable. and if you were lying about ever being in love with her and wanting her, then tell her now so she can move on.
if you weren't and you really do care about her, fix it. stop lying, stop doing stuff that will make her unhappy, act like you care, and go to her with problems. no one else."
and guess what? no response from him whatsoever. there was no trying to fix anything, which would have been best. and there was also no telling me hes done. so this basically just showed me how much hes cared... not too much. so now we're not friends, we dont talk, and im not happy. i keep telling myself that i dont care about him, i dont care what he does in his life. but no matter how many times i tell myself that, i know if he does go out with that girl ill be jealous and hurt. hes an ass, but all guys are. and he was actually one of the nicer guys. if only he didnt lie to me. i couldnt change that about him obviously, but maybe his future girlfriends can. and if he continues this then hes not gonna be getting much girlfriends.

Forever ++ Always,
